Acupuncture is one of the oldest techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine that is practiced till now around the world. The word Acupuncture is made up of two Latin words, Acus & Pungere, which means needle and puncture respectively. Experts started practicing Acupuncture 2000 years ago. Doctors excite particular spots on the body by implanting thin needles into the skin. The universal principles of acupuncture are based on the assumption that there are patterns of energy flow known as Qi within the body that are essential for maintenance of health. If energy flow gets disrupted, it causes various diseases that are correct with use of Acupuncture theory.
Let us discuss best and famous Acupuncture Doctors in Delhi, NCR so that you can consult them whenever you want.
1. Dr.Niharika
Dr.Niharika is one of commanding and notable specialist in the course of acupuncture as well as Moxibustion from last six years in Delhi. She is providing service of healing the patients suffering from critical and chronic diseases. She has persuaded her BDS from Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna (HNB )University from Srinagar and post graduation in MD(Acupuncture & Moxibution) from IAM, Kolkata. She started giving a treatment of Acupuncture to patients at Swastik Vihar, Delhi in 2010 and after that, she established her clinic at Tilak Nagar in 2011.Due to offering highly effective treatment of Acupuncture at an affordable price, Dr.Niharika Clinic is considered as one of the best clinics in Delhi.
2. Dr. Raman Kapur
Dr. Raman Kapur is one of famous Medical Acupuncture specialists who has widely developed the practice of Scientific Acupuncture in his nation. He is also the first Acupuncturist who has received Padma Shri Award in the field of Acupuncture on 5th May, 2008. Dr.Raman Kapur has provided best results in treating many health conditions like asthma, skin diseases, Spondylitis, back aches, migraine, and facial paralysis for past 34 years.
Treatments provided by Dr.Raman Kapur in his clinic
Laser treatment
Auricular therapy
Cupping and so on.
However, he has also written following three books on study of Acupuncture
Soft lasers in Medical Practice
A guide to Acupuncture & Tissue Cleansing System
Acupuncture-Cure for Common Diseases
3. Dr. Lohiya
Dr. Lohiya has founded one of largest Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science in 1983.The Institute has the main goal to spread awareness about old technique of Acupuncture among people. However, he also conducts various training and treatment camps all around the nation. He also gives a treatment of allopathy in the art of Acupuncture around the world.
Treatments offered by Dr. Lohiya his clinic are
He-Ne Laser therapy
Bekam Therapy
Fire Cupping therapy
Plum Blossom therapy
Treating disorders conditions like Mental retardation, Myopia, Peptic Ulcer, Constipation and many more.
Patients suffering from above-mentioned problems can consult Dr.Lohiya at #11-A, West Patel Nagar, Near Vijay Sales, Delhi, NCR.
4. Dr. O.P. Chhabra
Dr. O.P. Chhabra is practicing in the field of Acupuncture from last 30 years. He has attended various health camps in countries and worked in Kenya, Australia, Malaysia, and Nigeria.
Dr. O.P. Chhabra specializes in the following treatments
Ear Disorders that includes Tinnitus, Deaf-Mutism, and Nervous Deafness
Procedures for increasing height until age of sixteen
Curing diseases of bones and joints like Gout, Calcaneal Spur, Sprain,
Treatment for Cosmetic & Skin Orders like hair fall, Wrinkles & dark circles on face, Urticaria
Curing Diabetes, Obesity, Thyroid
Various Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular and breathing problems.
However, he also provides proper guidance to patients about treatment and its benefits. Before giving treatment, he properly analyses the root cause of problem or disease. Dr. O.P. Chhabra uses the combined therapy-Acupuncture and Therapy for curing chronic serious diseases.
5. Dr. Anjali Sharma
Dr. Anjali Sharma is best known for having special experience in the field of Infertility, Acupuncture and providing wellness & plays a role in Pain Management. She is giving personal attention to every patient and provides them guidance to improve health conditions. However, she also arranges weight management and wellness programs for local people. These programs help to increase strength, stamina, proper sleeping and completely good health. The program known as helping hand is a special program by Dr. Anjali Sharma for women to improve their personal life and health conditions during pregnancy.
Patients can meet Dr.Anjali Sharma at Ethos Health Care, New Delhi.
6. Dr. Sunita Kapur
Presently Dr. Kapur is a member of Acupuncture Federation of China and Korea. She holds M.B.B.S degree in 1987 from Lady Hardinge Medical College. Further, she moves abroad for training in the era of Acupuncture. She practices in the treatment of children by using the technique of UltraSonics and Laser. Dr. Sunita Kumari also provides excellent results in the treatment of Infertility. Now she is working as Hony Consultant in the field of Acupuncture at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi. You can also consult Dr.Sunita Kapur at her own Clinic named as Kapur Acupuncture Clinic in Greater Kailash, New Delhi.
7. Dr. Anurag Awasthi
Dr. Anurag Awasthi is recognized as one of the most popular Orthopedic Surgeon in Gurgaon and Delhi, NCR. He completed his graduation from George Medical College, Lucknow. Furthermore, he completed his post graduation in 2005 in the field of Orthopedics from Meerut Medical College.
Art surgeries that Dr.Anurag Awasthi has performed during working in his field involve Minimally Invasive Fracture Fixation (MIPO), Knee Arthroscopy, Joint Replacements of Knee and Hip. He also manipulates various complex fractures that include severe infections and nonunion. Nowadays he is working in Artemis Hospital and Columbia Asia Hospital in Gurgaon and Delhi, NCR
8. Dr. A.K.Sinha
Sinha Acupuncture Research Centre is founded by Dr. A.K Sinha. It is considered as one of leading clinic in Delhi, NCR. Dr.A.K.Sinha is following the old Chinese technique for last twenty-five years all around the world. He offers the best service for treatment of cosmetic problems like periorbital darkening and Acne Vulgaris, Asthma, Migraine, Gout, Cervical Spondylosis, Paralysis and many more. However, if any patient gets fed up with treatment by using prolonged process, he can meet Dr.Sinha for proper guidance & treatment with early results of Chronic disease at low costs.
9. Dr. Hans Raj
Dr. Hans Raj completes his graduation in 1972 from Armed Forces Medical College. He holds his MD Physiology degree from Patel Chest Institute in 1985 from Delhi University. Recently he is working as a consultant in the Department of Neurophysiology at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital and Electro-Neuro Diagnostic in Delhi. Dr.Hans Raj specializes in the following-
Nerve Conduction Velocity Test(NCV) or Electromyography(EMG)
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response(BAER)
10. Dr. Manika Kaushik
Dr. Manika Kaushik is well qualified and highly educated Specialist. She holds Master diploma in Alternative Medicines. She is a well-known specialist for Yoga therapy, Reiki Grand Master, Sujok Pain Management and Acupressure treatments. Dr.Manika Kaushal also holds a membership of International Naturotherapy Organization. Till now, she has aided thousands of people who are suffering from mental, physical and psychological deformities. Moreover, she acts as consultant, trainer, writer, and researcher and gives treatment for nearly thirty different types of Alternative Therapies.
11. Dr. MK Gupta
He is known as senior Consultant Medical Acupuncturist in Delhi, NCR.Dr.MK Gupta is also awarded for his excellent performance by Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science. He works very hard, intelligently and intensely in his work. However, he also provides very good counseling service to patients.Dr.MK Gupta specializes in the treatment of Magnet therapy, Sujok, Acupuncture, Acupressure Chinese and many more.
12. Dr. Neeraj Kaushik
Dr. Neeraj Kaushik pursued diploma in Acupuncture and a Master diploma in Alternative Medicines. However, he has qualified in various therapies like Magnet Therapy, Hypnotherapy, hydrotherapy, crystal therapy, Rudraksha therapy, stone therapy, Sujok and Acupressure therapy, Meditation, Theta healing, Chakra healing, Pranic Healing and much more. Dr.Neeraj Kaushik also organizes Alternative therapy Clinic at the school level, corporate level, and Government level by arranging practice sessions, lectures, seminars, and consultations.
Generally Dr.Neeraj Kaushik researches and practice on the following problems
Slip Disc
Chronic diseases
Blood pressure
Cancer and many more.
13. Dr. Lokesh Bhatnagar
Dr. Lokesh Bhatnagar is practicing in the field of Acupressure and Sujok from last 20 years in Delhi. He holds a diploma in Sujok therapy from Acupressure Research, Training and Treatment Institute that has the affiliation of International Academy for Su-Jok Acupuncture, Moscow. Dr. Lokesh Bhatnagar gives treatment with aim to root out the problem permanently.
14. Dr. A.K.Agarwal
Dr. A.K. Agarwal has been practicing in the field of Acupuncture since 1991. He provides the service of consultation for Musculoskeletal Alignment therapy and Acupuncture. However, he is also considered as one of the best specialists for treatment of sports injury and removes warts and mole without leaving any scars on the body.
Now you know the best acupuncture doctors in Delhi. For further details you can visit their website or walk-in to their clinics right away.
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People Comments
Posted By: sssss on Monday August 26, 2019, 07:35:AM
Posted By: cvcvcvc on Monday August 26, 2019, 07:35:AM
Posted By: Mrs Madhuri Dixit Nene on Tuesday August 06, 2019, 17:38:PM
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Posted By: Varun on Monday August 05, 2019, 06:38:AM
Posted By: fdj on Wednesday June 05, 2019, 17:23:PM