ACID-WIN is a combination of many ingredients which are esteemed for their antacid properties. “Hyper Acidity is more dangerous than it appears to be. If not checked or treated properly, it upset the stomach, G. I. Tract Produces ulcer formation and also gives a terrible kick to the cardiac system and its functions.” But Acid-nil is an effective remedy for hyper acidity and gastric ulcers also.
Near Jail Fatak, Gandhi Calony Road, Shivpuri Muzaffarnagar, UTTAR PRADESH - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteACID-WIN is a combination of many ingredients which are esteemed for their antacid properties. “Hyper Acidity is more dangerous than it appears to be. If not checked or treated properly, it upset the stomach, G. I. Tract Produces ulcer formation and also gives a terrible kick to the cardiac system and its functions.” But Acid-nil is an effective remedy for hyper acidity and gastric ulcers also.
Wholesale Supplier
Mukesh Bansal
Near Jail Fatak, Gandhi Calony Road, Shivpuri, Navsari, GUJARAT - India
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