Acupressure Therapy Acupressure is the science of healing the human body by applying adequate pressure at accurate points on the body, which are called nerve endings with the help of the thumb or non-pointed items. These nerve endings are present on the hands, the feet, the spine, and the ears. Acupressure, unlike acupuncture, is a non-invasive form of therapy that can be practiced after basic training, by anyone on himself or herself, and has practically no side-effects. The science of Acupressure is based on the theory of meridians. Accordi...
No. 4, Harsh Priya, NHCS Layout, 15th Main, 3rd Stage, 4th Block, Basaveshwarnagar , KARNATAKA - india
View Contact Number Get a QuoteAcupressure Therapy Acupressure is the science of healing the human body by applying adequate pressure at accurate points on the body, which are called nerve endings with the help of the thumb or non-pointed items. These nerve endings are present on the hands, the feet, the spine, and the ears. Acupressure, unlike acupuncture, is a non-invasive form of therapy that can be practiced after basic training, by anyone on himself or herself, and has practically no side-effects. The science of Acupressure is based on the theory of meridians. According to the theory, our body has 14 ‘imaginary meridians’ that carry energy throughout the body. Each meridian starts with the tips of the fingers, passes through the brain and gets connected to their respective organs. There are six identical meridians on each side of the body while the other two – the Conception Vessel and the Governing Vessel run along the body’s midline, one in the front and the other in the back. When we have a problem related to any of the organs, it means that the meridian carrying energy to those particular organs has an obstruction that slows down the normal functioning of the organ. If the obstruction is removed or dissolved, the flow of energy becomes normal, and the organ starts functioning properly. This is done through Acupressure. The points on the body that run along the meridian are activated, to remove the obstruction in the nerves, so that the energy can flow with regularity, and the organ can resume its normal function.
ealing Pressure is an “Energy Movement” focusing on various forms of healing through energy and alternative therapies. It works on the principle of healing, not only the symptoms of the disease but also the causes; healing not just the disease but also the lives of peoplHealing Pressure is a movement undertaken by Mr. Ketan V Shah. A messiah of Acupressure, Ketan V Shah sees nothing as beyond it whether it be Parkinsons, diabetes, or cancer; and in his hands the technique truly yields results. Through what seems like sleight-of-hand, he unerringly finds the right spot to press; and even though his firm application may cause you to wince, the relief that follows is considerable. He passes on both passion and knowledge to his students. Vowing to devote his life to the practice and promotion of the therapy that healed him, he has been practising Acupressure for the last 20 years. Mr Shah’s ultimate aim is to empower people and free them of all dependencies and guide them to wellness.
Wholesale Supplier
No. 4, Harsh Priya, NHCS Layout, 15th Main, 3rd Stage, 4th Block, Basaveshwarnagar, , DELHI - india
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