Acupressure Therapy This natural Oriental healing technique uses applied pressure to specific points on the body to relax trapped nerves and release blockages. It is used both as a preventive and curative therapy. It helps alleviate pain, fatigue and addresses musculoskeletal problems. Induces relaxation and restores balance Stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system The therapeutic touch stimulates certain chemicals in the brain that boost the immune system, lifts depression and relieves stress.
A-1/14,Safdarjung Enclave, Near Kamal Cinema , DELHI - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteAcupressure Therapy This natural Oriental healing technique uses applied pressure to specific points on the body to relax trapped nerves and release blockages. It is used both as a preventive and curative therapy. It helps alleviate pain, fatigue and addresses musculoskeletal problems. Induces relaxation and restores balance Stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system The therapeutic touch stimulates certain chemicals in the brain that boost the immune system, lifts depression and relieves stress.
Independent of time, Sampoorna embodies the holistic approach to body & health. Revering the being, Sampoorna creates beauty with dignity, in an ambience that embraces celebrating the self. Sampoorna offers the best in hygiene and luxury with a certified and trained team who excel all standards of service and knowledge. Sampoorna Spa is a holistic med spa concept with all healing therapeutic treatments offered, in a luxurious hygienic ambience, by certified therapists. Sampoorna Spa is a luxury wellness spa that has been created from the passion to make available scientifically validated wellness therapies in a completely relaxing aesthetic environment. We believe that wellness is truly the balance of these components that reflects as lingering beauty from within. The result is a beautiful body in a spiritually aware mind.
Wholesale Supplier
Ritu Gaur
A-1/14,Safdarjung Enclave, Near Kamal Cinema, Noida, UTTAR PRADESH - India
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