Acupressure Health Mart (ACM) ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company, is the name of the concern which is mostly devoted towards Acupressure, Acupuncture, Magnetic, Stimulator, Massager, cupping, yoga, Pyramid, Su-jok, Vastu and alternative medicinal Therapy.
ACM is the one of leading groups in the field of manufacturing and selling of Acupressure, Acupuncture, Magnetic, Stimulator, Massager, cupping, yoga, Pyramid, Su-jok, Vastu & Alternative Therapy Instruments. It has its own Research & Development Department which is managed by Highly Skilled technical Experts. Its product comes to you only when Quality Control department passes the products.
ACM is also into Publishing of books & chart edited by a team of renowned authors. It has branches in major cities of India. We conduct free seminar & Treatment Camps all over India and abroad.
The zeal of learning and gaining more knowledge in the field of Alternative Therapies has inspired him to attend many seminars & conference about Indian systems of medicine & acupressure therapy.
Acupressure is one of the oldest healing art in which fingers are used to press potent points on the whole body surface. Acupressure mainly focuses on relieving pain and discomfort as well as it responds to tension before it develops into a disease. When the key points of the body are pressed they promote the circulation of the blood and release muscular tension.
Company Factsheet
Nature of Business
Wholesale Supplier
Year of Establishment
Total Number of Employees
51-100 People
Legal Status of Firm
Annual Turnover
Upto Rs. 25 Lakh
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