Acupuncture is one of most ancient therapeutic techniques of Chinese medicine. Where Aces " Needle Puncture " To penetrate "Acupuncture is a system of medicine, where different types of needles are used to penetrate the specific point present all over the body".
Main Palla-Bakhtawarpur Road, Behind Ashiana Farm House , DELHI - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteAcupuncture is one of most ancient therapeutic techniques of Chinese medicine. Where Aces " Needle Puncture " To penetrate "Acupuncture is a system of medicine, where different types of needles are used to penetrate the specific point present all over the body".
Maharaja Agrasen Naturopathy and Yoga Sadhana Research Trust has established Balaji Nirogdham with an endeavor to provide healthy lifestyle to all health conscious individuals and improve their quality of life through Naturopathy coupled with Yoga Sadhana, to stay disease free unto old age. In the present day fast moving world scenario man has little time to take care of his own health. Even for common ailments he indiscriminately resorts to drugs for quick relief least realizing their side effects. Health conscious individuals worldwide are aware about the efficacy of nature cure treatments for permanent cure.
Wholesale Supplier
Main Palla-Bakhtawarpur Road, Behind Ashiana Farm House, , KARNATAKA - India
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