
Acupuncture Treatment , Acupressure is a way of accessing and releasing blocked or congested energy centers in the body. These energy centers or Acupoints lie on energy pathways called Meridians. When acupoints or meridians become blocked or congested you experience pain or discomfort on a physical level. On an emotional level you may become frustrated or irritable, and on a spirit (energetic) level you may experience a sense of feeling ungrounded, vulnerable, and have difficulty knowing your purpose in life By using deep but gentle finger pr...

Hi-tech Physiotherapy & Fitness Centre

H-195-A, Dilshad Garden, Shahdara , DELHI - India

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Product Description

Acupuncture Treatment , Acupressure is a way of accessing and releasing blocked or congested energy centers in the body. These energy centers or Acupoints lie on energy pathways called Meridians. When acupoints or meridians become blocked or congested you experience pain or discomfort on a physical level. On an emotional level you may become frustrated or irritable, and on a spirit (energetic) level you may experience a sense of feeling ungrounded, vulnerable, and have difficulty knowing your purpose in life By using deep but gentle finger pressure on specific acupoints the blocked energy starts to release, allowing your body/mind to relax. As your body/mind relaxes, you have an opportunity to explore thought patterns, memories, and belief systems. Through mindful exploration, the way you experience your universe can change, allowing you an opportunity to manifest your purpose in life with less discomfort and stress; with a greater sense of wellbeing.


About Company

Hi-Tech physiotherapy and fitness centre is a private centre in Dishand Garden, providing specialist treatment for sports injuries, back and neck pain, post op rehabilitation, women's fitness and neurological condition. Treatment is designed to reduce pain and swelling, increase mobility and is always accompanied with advice to prevent problems occurring again. Exercise therapy will often form part of the treatment plan and patients are encouraged to use our purpose built gym when treatment has finished. Pain, stiffness and discomfort may be some of the symptoms you are experiencing when you visit us and your therapist will ask you a series of questions related to your problems, work and activities to help diagnose your current problem. A detailed physical examination will follow. Your therapist will explain the diagnosis and discuss with you your personal treatment plan. Treatment will start immediately and your first visit will take approximately one hour and subsequent visits 45 minutes. A full range of treatments is available including manipulation, mobilization, massage, electrical treatment such as ultrasound and laser and usually a course of exercises. We have a team of physiotherapy who ensure you are welcomed and made comfortable throughout your treatment sessions.

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Hi-tech Physiotherapy & Fitness Centre

Naresh Yadav

H-195-A, Dilshad Garden, Shahdara, , ANDHRA PRADESH - India

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