Acupressure Therapy Su means hand while jok means foot. Sujok can be done with other therapies also and it produces no side effects. This therapy is safe, simple and easy to perform even by the patients. Since hands and feet are the locations of systems of active points corresponding to all organs and part of the body, stimulation of these points produces a curative effect. This method is universal. With the help of sujok, various kinds of illnesses can be treated. There is no need for any precautions to be taken during the treatment. Since th...
18th Main, 2nd Block, Near Fab India Koramangala Bangalore, KARNATAKA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteAcupressure Therapy Su means hand while jok means foot. Sujok can be done with other therapies also and it produces no side effects. This therapy is safe, simple and easy to perform even by the patients. Since hands and feet are the locations of systems of active points corresponding to all organs and part of the body, stimulation of these points produces a curative effect. This method is universal. With the help of sujok, various kinds of illnesses can be treated. There is no need for any precautions to be taken during the treatment. Since the therapy is natural and curing only the natural forces in and around the body, it is also one of the safest therapies ever known.
Wholesale Supplier
18th Main, 2nd Block, Near Fab India Koramangala, Bangalore, KARNATAKA - India
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