
Acupuncture is a very important treatment modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In acupuncture, specific points on the body called acupoints are stimulated by very fine needles (single-use needles) to relieve pain or to treat various diseases / disorders. These acupoints are situated on meridians in the body along which Qi (Vital Energy) flows. Each point corresponds to a specific body organ or function. Stimulation results in a free flow of Qi which helps in improving organ function and treatment of disease with restoration of health.

Prajna Institute Of Yoga & Allied Sciences

No. 20/63, NR Colony, 5th Cross, Bull Temple Road , KARNATAKA -

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Acupuncture is a very important treatment modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In acupuncture, specific points on the body called acupoints are stimulated by very fine needles (single-use needles) to relieve pain or to treat various diseases / disorders. These acupoints are situated on meridians in the body along which Qi (Vital Energy) flows. Each point corresponds to a specific body organ or function. Stimulation results in a free flow of Qi which helps in improving organ function and treatment of disease with restoration of health.


About Company

PIYAS - a centre which has the uniqueness in making person independent in all his / her health aspects It is a centre which is blended the ancient wisdom with modern science, to provide the best treatment for the people who are in need of it through its unique programs which totally free of any side effects.The centre believes in providing long lasting, side-effects free and holistic results through its various kinds of health disciplines like yoga, naturecure, meditation, ayurveda, physiotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture, diet counseling, de-addiction & de-stress programs.We are very keen in promoting education of yoga & nature cure through different modules and have also taken up research and development work towards this aim.

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Prajna Institute Of Yoga & Allied Sciences

Neetu Jain

No. 20/63, NR Colony, 5th Cross, Bull Temple Road, Pune, MAHARASHTRA -

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