Acupuncture Courses Needles are generally used for sewing clothes and garments or even for syringes. A syringe was once the closest form of needle that would go through a person’s skin. But now, people deliberately allow other people to poke needles through certain points and areas of their body. This is because of the popularity of the acupuncture method. The main purpose of acupuncture therapy is to uphold the person’s health and assuage any pain or suffering being felt. As unbelievable as it may seem, the acupuncture method has ...
No. 189, Diamond Harbour Road, Thakurpukur Study Point Kolkata, WEST BENGAL - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteAcupuncture Courses Needles are generally used for sewing clothes and garments or even for syringes. A syringe was once the closest form of needle that would go through a person’s skin. But now, people deliberately allow other people to poke needles through certain points and areas of their body. This is because of the popularity of the acupuncture method. The main purpose of acupuncture therapy is to uphold the person’s health and assuage any pain or suffering being felt. As unbelievable as it may seem, the acupuncture method has been tried and tested over the years. As a matter of fact, it is still a valid practice to date.
We are committed to promote, spread globally and advance the art and science of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) and its various branches like Acupuncture, Acupressure, Bach Flower Remedies, Electro Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga, Herbal Medicines, Psychological Counseling, Radiesthesia, Shiatsu, Hypnosis, Radionics Massage, Bioenergetics, Chromotherapy, Gem-Tele Therapy, Medical-Astro Therapy, Urine Therapy, Aromatherapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Reiki, Magnet Therapy, Reflexology, and other branches of alternative medicine and make people aware of this form of treatment of ailments, thereby raising the status and goodwill of Alternative Medicine all over the world.
Wholesale Supplier
Sumanta Bhattacharjee
No. 189, Diamond Harbour Road, Thakurpukur Study Point, Ahmedabad, GUJARAT - India
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