Acupuncture Needles:- Acupuncture involves the use of very fine needles inserted into the skin at certain points on the body which are believed to be situated on energy channels called meridians. Each meridian is said to relate to a specific organ of the body. The insertion of the needles is said to unblock the channels thus allowing energy to move freely. This is believed to help restore balance to the body.
S- 13, Spencer Plaza, Phase- 1, 2nd Floor, No. 769, Anna Salai Chennai, TAMIL NADU - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteAcupuncture Needles:- Acupuncture involves the use of very fine needles inserted into the skin at certain points on the body which are believed to be situated on energy channels called meridians. Each meridian is said to relate to a specific organ of the body. The insertion of the needles is said to unblock the channels thus allowing energy to move freely. This is believed to help restore balance to the body.
Established in the year 2003, Medi World, has been one of the pioneers in the world of supplying premium healthcare gadgets. We own one of the first exclusive home health stores, located at the renowned Spencer Plaza Mall, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India). It is from here that we offer tAcupuncture needle, o our clients, an extensive range of healthcare gadgets, including asthma care equipment, slimming equipment, BP care equipment, diabetes equipment, massagers, personal care products, foot care products, acupressure products, fitness and gym exercise equipment as hair care cosmetics, face massagers, breathing inhalers, etc. We also offer pain management equipment, physiotherapy products, health care products, medical equipment, bug killer and flying insect killer.
Wholesale Supplier
Sampath Kumar
S- 13, Spencer Plaza, Phase- 1, 2nd Floor, No. 769, Anna Salai, Nagpur, MAHARASHTRA - India
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