Aloe Vera Glycerin Premium Bathing Bar

RS. 65/

1. Aloe Vera Soap is extremely beneficial for dry skin. No Animal Fat in our Product. 2. The Anti-allergic property of Aloe Vera is useful in the treatment of various skin diseases like Eczema, Psoriasis, and itchy skin. 3. They are helpful in curing Blisters, insect bites and other allergic reactions as well.  4. Scrubbing is very important to remove dead skin. And if you have oily skin it is even more important to remove the dead cells and excessive oil from the skin. 5. Glycerin this is useful to treat many oily skin probl...


No: 27C, Dharapuram Road, , TAMIL NADU - India

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Product Specification

Product Description

1. Aloe Vera Soap is extremely beneficial for dry skin. No Animal Fat in our Product. 2. The Anti-allergic property of Aloe Vera is useful in the treatment of various skin diseases like Eczema, Psoriasis, and itchy skin. 3. They are helpful in curing Blisters, insect bites and other allergic reactions as well.  4. Scrubbing is very important to remove dead skin. And if you have oily skin it is even more important to remove the dead cells and excessive oil from the skin. 5. Glycerin this is useful to treat many oily skin problems such as acne, skin infections, wrinkles and fine lines. 6. Glycerin can give you moisturized and cleansed skin without any side effects. 7. Glycerin absorbs water from air, making it what is called hygroscopic. Because of this, it can bring water to your skin Glycerin It helps in retaining skin moisture.


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