Eating Aryan's Jamun Powder stimulates the liver and relieves bladder problems. Maintains normal sugar level in blood and urine. Vinegar made from the fruit gives relief in colitis, indigestion, stomach diseases. It relives gas and improves digestive system. Relieves throat infections and other respiratory diseases. Helps in breaking the renal stone and removing it. For controlling diarrhea. It is a good remedy for diabetes, colon and urinary disorders. Regulates heartbeat. Cures anemia and stops skin eruptions. Jamun powder can be used f...
302, 3rd Floor, Rathore House, Opposite Apple Heritage, Andheri Kurla Road Chakala, Andheri (E), Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteEating Aryan's Jamun Powder stimulates the liver and relieves bladder problems. Maintains normal sugar level in blood and urine. Vinegar made from the fruit gives relief in colitis, indigestion, stomach diseases. It relives gas and improves digestive system. Relieves throat infections and other respiratory diseases. Helps in breaking the renal stone and removing it. For controlling diarrhea. It is a good remedy for diabetes, colon and urinary disorders. Regulates heartbeat. Cures anemia and stops skin eruptions. Jamun powder can be used for boils and other skin disorders by applying some Aryans Jamun powder mixed with a little oil on the affected area. It helps to boost the immune system - the defense mechanism of the body. It is useful to cure different disease like diarrhea, vomiting, wound, renal stone, throats problem.
Established in the year 2000, we, “Laxmi Arogyam Aromaceuticals”, are one of the most renowned organizations engaged in Manufacturing, Supplying and Exporting an excellent range of Beauty, Skin & Health Care Products. In our range, we offer Menz Facial Kit, Red Rose Facial Kit, Aloe Vera Facial Kit, Platinum Facial Kit, Pomegranate Facial Kit and Double Apple Facial Kit. Moreover, we offer Aciayu Capsule, Adayu Capsule, Hairayu Cool Hair Oil, Bronkayu Syrup, Pain Balm, Arthrayu Ointment and others. 60-80% of our stock is exported to different parts of the world. Our organization is known for offering a range of precisely formulated products as well as excellent ayurvedic treatment and therapy services in the market. The range of products offered by us is manufactured in compliance with the international quality standards. We aim at developing natural, safe and innovative range of health & beauty care products for customers' benefits. Our products and services are offered in the mar
Wholesale Supplier
Rashmi Purohit
302, 3rd Floor, Rathore House, Opposite Apple Heritage, Andheri Kurla Road Chakala, Andheri (E),, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India
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