
Astrologer - Astrology is a science as well as an art with scientific application of various planetary positions as well as experience, an accurate forecast can be made. Just as the captain of a ship uses a compass and a map to chart the course of ship, so does the birth chart and planetary movements help to plan major events in life. Astrology is the deep study about the correlation of the stars and planets that influence the actions on earth. Amit Singh provide accurate astrological advices, which help to overcome all problems in life. Astrol...

Yoga Sadhna

Paschim Vihar Extension , DELHI - India

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Astrologer - Astrology is a science as well as an art with scientific application of various planetary positions as well as experience, an accurate forecast can be made. Just as the captain of a ship uses a compass and a map to chart the course of ship, so does the birth chart and planetary movements help to plan major events in life. Astrology is the deep study about the correlation of the stars and planets that influence the actions on earth. Amit Singh provide accurate astrological advices, which help to overcome all problems in life. Astrology is fascinating and constructive science a boon to mankind that helps in moral and material advancement. According to vedic interpretation, Astrology is derived from the word Aster- a star and logy- reason for logic. Astrology helps to predict the future of a man by studying the planetary position at the time of birth. By knowing the future correctly, man can create an environment that he is able to cope up with the adverse periods of his life and alleviate the evils indicated by the planet to a greater extent.


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Yoga Sadhana organization has established 2010 at Paschim Vihar endeavor to provide healthy lifestyle to all health conscious individuals and improve their quality of life through Naturopathy coupled with Yoga, Meditation & Preksha Dhiyana to stay disease free unto old age.

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Yoga Sadhna

Amit Singh

Paschim Vihar Extension, Indore, MADHYA PRADESH - India

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