Ayurveda means “science of life or living”. Ayus means life or daily living, Veda means to know. The science and theory of Ayurveda addresses all the panchakoshas, both in terms of healing and wellness aspects. Ayurvedic science makes a mention of the pancha mahabhutas ether, air, fire, water & earth. These manifest as three humors namely vata, pitta & kapha which are the basic principles of ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment. The three humors, when in balance leads to well-being of panchakoshas, when out of balance leads ...
No. 1252, 27th Main, 7th Cross, JP Nagar, Ist Phase , KARNATAKA - india
View Contact Number Get a QuoteAyurveda means “science of life or living”. Ayus means life or daily living, Veda means to know. The science and theory of Ayurveda addresses all the panchakoshas, both in terms of healing and wellness aspects. Ayurvedic science makes a mention of the pancha mahabhutas ether, air, fire, water & earth. These manifest as three humors namely vata, pitta & kapha which are the basic principles of ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment. The three humors, when in balance leads to well-being of panchakoshas, when out of balance leads to illness at Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya & Vijnanamaya planes of being. Vata is formed by the combination of ether & air and its basic principle is movement at Annamaya kosha, responsible for all the physiological movements in the body. Vata is responsible for emotions like fear, anxiety, nervousness & freshness at Manomaya kosha. At Pranamaya kosha plane, vata is responsible for movement of the pranas or energies.
Dr Gurudatta started Anandamaya Wellness Center in 2007. With a profound experience for 12 years in the traditional healing sciences, he decided to render his experience to the community. He is committed to providing a high quality personal and professional service to help each of his clients to attain a state of Anandamaya through a personalized and integrated approach of the traditional healing sciences of Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese medicine, Yoga & Naturopathy.
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No. 1252, 27th Main, 7th Cross, JP Nagar, Ist Phase, Pune, MAHARASHTRA - india
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