We are engaged in manufacturing and supplying the finest and best quality of Ayurvedic Massage Oil. The offered massage oil is procured from quality assured natural herbs, which are sourced from authenticated vendors of the industry. The offered Ayurvedic Massage Oil is valued among our customers for relieving stress, fatigue, anxiety and depression. In addition to this, the offered oil is available with us at affordable prices. Features: Compositional accuracy Longer shelf life Free from harmful chemicals
93, Sabnish Bagh, Chiman Bag, Indore, MADHYA PRADESH - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteWe are engaged in manufacturing and supplying the finest and best quality of Ayurvedic Massage Oil. The offered massage oil is procured from quality assured natural herbs, which are sourced from authenticated vendors of the industry. The offered Ayurvedic Massage Oil is valued among our customers for relieving stress, fatigue, anxiety and depression. In addition to this, the offered oil is available with us at affordable prices. Features: Compositional accuracy Longer shelf life Free from harmful chemicals
Herbal medicine is the oldest form of healthcare known to mankind. Herbs had been used by all cultures throughout history. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 4 billion people, 80 percent of the world population, presently use herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care. Herbal medicine is a major component in all indigenous peoples’ traditional medicine and a common element in Ayurvedic, homeopathic, naturopathic, traditional oriental, and Native American Indian medicine. WHO notes that of 119 plant-derived pharmaceutical medicines, about 74 percent are used in modern medicine in ways that correlated directly with their traditional uses as plant medicines by native cultures. Major pharmaceutical companies are currently conducting extensive research on plant materials gathered from the rain forests and other places for their potential medicinal value.
Wholesale Supplier
Chetan Kumar
93, Sabnish Bagh, Chiman Bag,, Malappuram, KERALA - India
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