Bio Magnetic Kadas

Bio magnetic ring has 4 bio magnets & 2 germanium metal ball .. Health Benefits Biomagnetic therapy is the application of magnets to the body to stimulate the nerves and create a better blood flow to various parts of the body. BIO Magnetic therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy in to heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of tissues cause blood vesse...

Megaa Marketing

No. 85, South End Road, Basavangudi , KARNATAKA - India

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Product Description

Bio magnetic ring has 4 bio magnets & 2 germanium metal ball .. Health Benefits Biomagnetic therapy is the application of magnets to the body to stimulate the nerves and create a better blood flow to various parts of the body. BIO Magnetic therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy in to heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of tissues cause blood vessels in capillaries to dilate, promoting a better blood circulation, and the heat so produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating.


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Megaa marketing is a organization backed by a highly Experienced Professionals in marketing, direct Marketing, trading and conventional business in various products and services. We are into business from past 2 decades Globally located at Bangalore.

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