Brain Gym It is scientifically proved that 50% of a person’s ability to learn is developed during the age group of 2-4 yrs. This is where children develop authority and sensory- motor skills. Realizing this, we have taken initiative under AASS- I to provide quality education for pre-school and kinder garden children through the throughout use of learning styles and creating inquisitive and ingenious minds.
Brain Gym It is scientifically proved that 50% of a person’s ability to learn is developed during the age group of 2-4 yrs. This is where children develop authority and sensory- motor skills. Realizing this, we have taken initiative under AASS- I to provide quality education for pre-school and kinder garden children through the throughout use of learning styles and creating inquisitive and ingenious minds.
Iq-plus would be perhaps be the only one of its kind to provide much more than just abacus training. This could possibly be the reason why iq-plus has earned reputation as the total abacus academy . vedic mathematics , the traditional indian mathematical system is the hidden source to many shortcuts in mathematics. However, this system has not earned the respect it deserves to get. Iq-plus is therefore in the process of imparting training in vedic mathematics in some of its select study centers. Also, iq-plus aims at overall development of the student in all spheres and therefore is striving to introduce personality development program mes in select study centers.
Wholesale Supplier
Shreekanth Bhat
No. 2, Beml Lay Out,, Mumbai, - India
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