1. SHANKHAPUSHPI, MANDUKAPARNI, JYOTISHMATI These three are best known medhya (increasing the power of mind) drugs. i.e., the special quality of these drugs is to increase the intellectual power and memory 2. JATAMAANSI, TAGARA These are best mastishka shamaka drugs. i.e., they make whole nervous system calm and cool. They regulate the impulse conductivity and subside the pain. 3. VIDANGA It eradicates the mastishka(Brain) and naadi (nerve)dourbalya (weakness). i.e it pacifies the weakness or fatigueness of nerves system and strain of ...
No. 297, 6th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phase, BSK 3 Stage , KARNATAKA - India
View Contact Number Get a Quote1. SHANKHAPUSHPI, MANDUKAPARNI, JYOTISHMATI These three are best known medhya (increasing the power of mind) drugs. i.e., the special quality of these drugs is to increase the intellectual power and memory 2. JATAMAANSI, TAGARA These are best mastishka shamaka drugs. i.e., they make whole nervous system calm and cool. They regulate the impulse conductivity and subside the pain. 3. VIDANGA It eradicates the mastishka(Brain) and naadi (nerve)dourbalya (weakness). i.e it pacifies the weakness or fatigueness of nerves system and strain of the brain 4. VACHA It is one of the best medhya drug and re-establishes the consciousness, reduces tremors (a slight shaking movement in a part o your body), increases intellectual power. 5. HARITAKI / VIBHITAKI / AMALAKI These herbs maintain the regular health of the body by clearing the bowels properly, by increasing the digestive power, by giving nutrition to brain and giving longevity to life. 6. GUDUCHI It acts as liver tonic and nutritive to brain with cleansing the blood. 7. LAVANGA It is very strong stimunant drug which can penetrate the smaller capillaries and reach the targeted area easily. It energises and stimulates whole naadi (nerve) samsthana (systems) to act properly and fast. 8. ELA It acts as best mouth freshner and gives enthusiasm to brain cells and body. It is balya (Strength) and tridosha shamaka (regulates / controls tridosha)also. Indications: Low memory
Wholesale Supplier
No. 297, 6th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phase, BSK 3 Stage, Jaipur, RAJASTHAN - India
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