Cupping is the procedure of stimulating acupuncture points by suction. A hollow vessel preferably transparent glass with rounded thick and smooth rim is used in which vaccum is created. By pulling the skin i.e by negative pressure acupuncture point over the area are stimulated. Here the pull is so strong that red mark remains for eight days and disappear. Cupping has greater efficacy in case of backache and pain in abdomen and diarrhea. Great efficacy is achieved in casse of shift of umbilicus. It brings the umbilicus to its normal position wit...
C-8, 2nd Floor, Viral Apartments, SV, Road, Adheri West, Oposite Shoppers Stop Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteCupping is the procedure of stimulating acupuncture points by suction. A hollow vessel preferably transparent glass with rounded thick and smooth rim is used in which vaccum is created. By pulling the skin i.e by negative pressure acupuncture point over the area are stimulated. Here the pull is so strong that red mark remains for eight days and disappear. Cupping has greater efficacy in case of backache and pain in abdomen and diarrhea. Great efficacy is achieved in casse of shift of umbilicus. It brings the umbilicus to its normal position with relief of pain.
Jasmine Modi holds a Ph.D Degree [Sri Lanka] and is a gold medalist in oriental medicine. She has pursued many courses in oriental medicine and Sujok therapy. She is a licensed practioner from Tamil Nadu Acupuncture Council. Jasmine Modi is a founder member of Indian Forum of Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health Science and also a member of various organizations such as Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science, Indian Holistic Medical Academy, and FICCM. Lectures have been conducted by her at various international conferences as well as corporates and institutes to spread awareness in the field of acupuncture. She intends to conduct educational program or practice program in institutions, hospitals, educational school and colleges. She would closely and positively co-operate with them through clinical support or academic communication. The ultimate aim is to use acupuncture as a preventive system rather than as curative system. Thus would like to secure the health of people.
Wholesale Supplier
Jasmine Modi
C-8, 2nd Floor, Viral Apartments, SV, Road, Adheri West, Oposite Shoppers Stop, , DELHI - India
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