Diabetegon Capsule ( Anti Diabetic Capsule)

Diabetegon Capsule ( Anti Diabetic Capsule), Herbal Medicine For Diabetes, Herbal Medicines, Herbal Products<br /> <br /> DIABETEGON<br /> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">There is an increasing demand for natural herbal anti diabetic medicine as the conventional synthetic oral anti-diabetic drugs produces undesirable side effects and development of drug resistance during prolonged use. This is the normal seen when one starts using modern synthetic oral anti diabetic medicine, the trea...

Hassnar Health & Personal Care

No. 502, The Tulip Enclave, Central Spine, Vidhyadhar Nagar Jaipur, RAJASTHAN - India

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Diabetegon Capsule ( Anti Diabetic Capsule), Herbal Medicine For Diabetes, Herbal Medicines, Herbal Products<br /> <br /> DIABETEGON<br /> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">There is an increasing demand for natural herbal anti diabetic medicine as the conventional synthetic oral anti-diabetic drugs produces undesirable side effects and development of drug resistance during prolonged use. This is the normal seen when one starts using modern synthetic oral anti diabetic medicine, the treatment starts with half tablet a day, after some time half tablet twice a day. After few months one tablet twice a day. After 2 to 3 years a combination of anti diabetic drugs along with blood pressure medication also starts and after 4 to 5 years insulin is given to control, the dosage of which is increased day by day.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">In Ayurveda diabetes is known as <b>Madhumeha </b>and is considered as a <b>Maharoga (major disease</b>) because if untreated, it affects all the vital organs of the body like heart, liver, kidney, eyes etc. The Word <b>&ldquo;Madhumeha&rdquo;</b> is a combination of <b>Madhu</b> <b>meaning honey</b> and <b>meha meaning urination</b>, like the Greek word <b>&ldquo;Diabetes Mellitus&rdquo;</b> where the word <b>Diabetes means siphon - to pass through</b> and <b>Mellitus means honey like</b>. The literal meaning of both is urine like honey or sugar(glucose) in urine.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">For thousands of years Ayurveda has used several herbs and minerals for complete management of Diabetes. Hassnar research after in depth study of such herbs and minerals formulated <b>&lsquo;DIABETEGONE&rsquo;</b> a Herbo mineral capsule to control Diabetes and Diabetes associated problems.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in"><b>The advantages of DIABETEGON are as follows: </b></p> <br /> Helps in maintaining healthy glucose levels.<br /> Improves body's ability to utilize glucose.<br /> Regulates insulin resistance by improving insulin sensitivity.<br /> Regulates pancreatic beta cells and facilitates quantitative &amp; qualitative insulin secretion.<br /> Reduces the risk associated with diabetes complications.<br /> Protects vital organs from damage and improves their functioning (Improves liver, pancreas, kidney functioning).<br /> Provides natural nourishment to the body and improves strength &amp; immunity.<br /> Can be used as an adjuvant to insulin therapy or other oral synthetic anti diabetic drugs and helps in reducing their dosage and prevents development of tolerance.<br /> Contains natural herbs and offers complete freedom form side effects.<br /> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">&nbsp;</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in"><b>Following ingredients help &ldquo;DIABETEGONE&rdquo; achieve these objectives:</b></p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">Eugenia jambolana Seeds (Jamun Beej), Gymnema Sylvestre (Madhunashini), Cephalendra Indica (kundru), Momordica Charanita (Karela), Trigonella foenum (Methi Dana), Pterocarpus Marsupium (Vijayasar), Azadirachta Indica (Neem Leaf), Aegle marmelos leaf (Bale Patra), Trikatu, Triphla, Shilajeet, Prameh Gaj Kesri, Yashad Bhasma.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">&nbsp;</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in"><b>DIABETEGONE thus becomes a matchless herbal anti-diabetic formulation.</b></p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in"><b>Available in:</b></p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in"><b>Pack of 90 capsules for Rs. 480.00</b></p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in"><b>Suggested Dosage</b>:</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">Patients with blood sugar levels between 140-200mg/dl, one capsule twice or thrice daily one hour before meals.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">Patients with blood sugar levels between 200-300mg/dl, one to two capsules thrice daily one hour before meals ie before breakfast, lunch and dinner.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">Patients with blood sugar above 300mg/dl two capsules thrice daily one hour before meals or as directed by physician.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in"><b>This dosage may be suitably adjusted along with diet, exercise and other anti-diabetic agents.</b></p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in"><b>Diet Recommendation:</b> Avoid sugar, sweets, potatoes, white rice (instead use brown rice), sweet fruits, alcohol, oily foods and aerated drinks.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">Take light easily digestible meals, green vegetables, salads, fiber rich diet, barley bread, wheat bread, and lots of water.</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in"><b>Daily Regimen:</b> Yoga, light exercise, daily walking.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in">&nbsp;</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in">&nbsp;</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">&nbsp;</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">&nbsp;</p> <br /> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">&nbsp;</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">&nbsp;</p> <p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0in">&nbsp;</p>


About Company

Hassnar Health & Personal Care is a GMP Certified company engaged in manufacturing and marketing of health & personal care products. Hassnar Research Group has developed many products for the first time in India both in their Health & Personal Care range for example "BRAHMI-PLUS" is the only product having both types of Brahmi's (Bacopa & Centella), which along with their complementary herbs increases blood and antioxidant supply to all brain regions, improving intelligence, power of concentration, memory and capacity to take additional mental load. Unlike other Single herb capsules available in India which contain either raw herb powder or extract, Hassnarâ??s Single herb capsules for the first time in India combines the virtues of both raw herb powder and herb extract. In the Personal Care range BRESTONE Cream & Capsule is the first Indian breast enlargement product which offers 60 dayâ??s Money Back Grantee on 90 dayâ??s course. VEGCARE is the 1st vaginal antiseptic, which also takes care of another very important aspect "Laxity of vaginal muscles", improving Vaginal Tightness. The research is on and you may soon experience the benefit of many more health and personal care products.

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