A dietitian is one who advises people on their diet routine for good health. He/she is an expert in the area of food and nutrition.
A dietitian is one who advises people on their diet routine for good health. He/she is an expert in the area of food and nutrition.
We all are capable of being the sachin tendukar's in our own field on our own way .But most often we fail and become ordinary because of the lack of proper guidance and motivation .most often we fail to identify whicnh field /cobver would give us the greatest jou,which job will give is the biggest satisfacion .if we can identifty that field then nobody can stop us from being the 'Sachin Tendulkar ' the role of career cliniq is to diagnose young minds and help them answer this million dolar question
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Anirban Choudhury
179 MRD Road, Bamunimaidam, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India
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