

We avow to dole out both valuable and accurate information pertaining to health. The editors of the content uploaded on the site have drawn the information from credible sources that are believed to reliable. However in case of any error or discrepancy found, none of the editors involved in the process in Natural Therapy India or those in the preparation of newsletter materials will be represent or warrant that the information on the site is complete and accurate and thus assume no responsibility for any kind of errors or omissions from the aftermaths of the use of such material. You are motivated to affirm information on the page with other credible sources that you find worthy enough.  Patients or consumers of the services who are reading the articles can affirm the information with other important sources afore implementing them. The information updated is in no way a substitute to the professional advice of experts, nor will the newsletters be intended as a diagnosis or treatment. It is good that you always seek advice of the qualified health professionals who have concern about your health. You will be more encouraged to develop professional relationship with health care service providers and can regularly consult with them and can seek their advice.
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