Spirituality, Oneness, the Divine, and Enlightenment are things that you experience, not some logical mental process. You can read a million books, attend workshop after workshop, and spend hours contemplating the meaning of life. But until you experience being enveloped in energy, feeling the Divine, and at one with the Universe and all things, you do not truly "know" those things. Learning cosmic healing is an excellent way of developing your understanding of healing through the human energy field and will give you a strong groundi...
Spirituality, Oneness, the Divine, and Enlightenment are things that you experience, not some logical mental process. You can read a million books, attend workshop after workshop, and spend hours contemplating the meaning of life. But until you experience being enveloped in energy, feeling the Divine, and at one with the Universe and all things, you do not truly "know" those things. Learning cosmic healing is an excellent way of developing your understanding of healing through the human energy field and will give you a strong grounding in the principles and benefits of energy work.
Since my early teens I have been drawn to the wonderful world of energy healing. Even as a teen I loved reading and studying of spiritual books and scriptures. It evolved an absolute new world of existence to me. The essence that I received from these books was just information and not knowledge. Something was still missing. I wanted to experience the energy. I chose to turn inwards to find the answers about Life and Soul, I began meditating. With daily meditations and energy healing practices I started receiving visions, sensations and heard voices. I was alone incapable to decode the information I received and at that very point my Angels, Guides and Guru stood by my side.My mother keeps telling stories, about things and events that I have psychically predicted when I was young, which I don't even remember. She says I was born with this gift. My once minimal psychic abilities are blossoming and becoming more and more a part of my life and my work with energy healing. They come alive in session after session and continue to grow.Over the past 9 years with the grace of my guru my bond with energies has become stronger. A Doctorate in Naturopathy, Reiki Grandmaster, Violet Flame Master, Crystal Therapist, Tarot reader, Angel Card Reader, Rune Reader, I still feel it's just the beginning of my journey and I still have much more to learn and even more to share.I am only a messenger and convey you the messages I receive from the higher energies and your angels and guides. I do not claim to know all the answers but I do know I have the ability to connect and read the energies of others, and help them to receive healing, clarity and peace. I believe we all create our own destiny with the choices we ourselves make. I am just, a messenger.
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