The natural bath soaps, we manufacture here at Mereville, not only cleanse but also relax tense nerves and muscles. These soaps are made from finest natural ingredients and blended with essential oils. These naturally scented soaps can make your bath time a heavenly experience by nurturing your mind and spirit with their soothing fragrances and at the same time purifying your body of all germs.
The natural bath soaps, we manufacture here at Mereville, not only cleanse but also relax tense nerves and muscles. These soaps are made from finest natural ingredients and blended with essential oils. These naturally scented soaps can make your bath time a heavenly experience by nurturing your mind and spirit with their soothing fragrances and at the same time purifying your body of all germs.
Abundant & rich with fragrant flowers, diverse plants & trees, nature is at her best in Auroville. Her lush greens and rife colours, exuberant scents and sweet aromas, delight our soul and thrill our senses. The incense sticks and essential oils, first manufactured by Mereville Trust in 1994, reflect and reproduce this magical atmosphere of Auroville and allow us to experience and enjoy it. We do not involve any child labour in our production activities. We involve the villagers of nearby villages in our production facilities. We contribute towards development of Auroville. The best essential oils, the finest aromatic extracts as well as roots, resins, flowers and herbs are carefully selected with great insight and expertise .
Wholesale Supplier
Pratap Rachana
M Reville, Trust Udyogam, Kannauj, UTTAR PRADESH - India
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