Face Glow Cream

F2S Glow Cream Glow Cream is a herbal beauty cream that beautify the facial skin. It also contains medicinal herbs that helps to prevent infection, blemishes, acne , skin discoloration and pigmentation etc. It is suitable for all skin type. Glow cream helps to revive and revitalize the skin cell, giving a radiant and glowing skin. S.no. Indian Name Latin Name Properties/Uses 1 Neem Ext Azadirachta indica Neem is considered best anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and blood purifying agent and is helpful in skin related problems and keep the skin hea...

Vee Excel Drugs And Pharmaceuticals Private Limited

No. 703, Devika Tower Ghaziabad, UTTAR PRADESH - India

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Product Specification

Product Description

F2S Glow Cream Glow Cream is a herbal beauty cream that beautify the facial skin. It also contains medicinal herbs that helps to prevent infection, blemishes, acne , skin discoloration and pigmentation etc. It is suitable for all skin type. Glow cream helps to revive and revitalize the skin cell, giving a radiant and glowing skin. S.no. Indian Name Latin Name Properties/Uses 1 Neem Ext Azadirachta indica Neem is considered best anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and blood purifying agent and is helpful in skin related problems and keep the skin healthy and glowing. Neem is helpful as a tonic and astringent that promotes wound healing. Neem is widely and comprehensively used as powerful blood purifier 2 Manjistha Ext Rubia cordifolia Heals skin disorders. Improves complexion 3 Rakta chandan Pterocarpus santalinus Astringent, Tonic, Antioxidant 4 Ghrita kumariExt Aloe vera It is helpful in the treatment of acne,sunburns. It provides relief from itching. Heals skin disorders 5 Haridra Ext Curcuma longa it is a potent anti-pruritic agent and helps drying the wounds and lesions. Use in the treatment of acne vulgaris. It also results in a radiant and smooth complexion of the skin 6 Khadir Ext Acacia catechu It is an excellent blood purifier and is used in healing up of hematological problem, Use to treat skin disorder and skin problems. It enhance the concentration of Vitamin C in the body. Antioxidant. 7 Chirata Ext Swertia Chirata It purifies blood Available Packing: 60 ml Anti Aging Fairy Cream, Anti Wrinkles, Ant Aging Cream, Anti-Aging Products, Anti-Aging Skin Care, Anti-Aging Wrinkles Cream, Herbal Ant Aging Cream, Clear Glow Cream, Fairness Glow Cream, Skin Clear Cream, Stretch Marks Cream, Face Glow Cream


About Company

A pharmaceutical formulation company, Vee Excel Drugs And Pharmaceuticals Private Limited is a renowned name in the manufacturing exporting and supplying a comprehensive range of Pharmaceutical Medicines, Pharmaceutical Generic Medicines, Herbal Products, Health, Hygiene and Veterinary Products. Our range is manufactured in accordance to the guidelines of WHO-GMP and hence stands high in terms of quality.

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Vee Excel Drugs And Pharmaceuticals Private Limited


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