ASHOKA: A complete uterotonic. Stiffens and strengthens the muscles of uterus. Regulates the contractions of uterus to maintain the bleeding. Stimulates endometrium and ovary. NAGAKESHARA: It is a drug grouped in RAKTASTAMBANA drugs i.e. arrests the heavy bleeding. So to control the excess bleeding it can be administered. LODHRA: It is the anti inflammatory drug. So successfully administered in inflammation of uterus and endometrium. It also diminishes the secretions from cervix so can be used in white discharges. MANJISHTHA: It is the ...
No. 297, 6th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phase, BSK 3 Stage , KARNATAKA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteASHOKA: A complete uterotonic. Stiffens and strengthens the muscles of uterus. Regulates the contractions of uterus to maintain the bleeding. Stimulates endometrium and ovary. NAGAKESHARA: It is a drug grouped in RAKTASTAMBANA drugs i.e. arrests the heavy bleeding. So to control the excess bleeding it can be administered. LODHRA: It is the anti inflammatory drug. So successfully administered in inflammation of uterus and endometrium. It also diminishes the secretions from cervix so can be used in white discharges. MANJISHTHA: It is the best RAKTA PRASADAKA i.e. it purifies the blood tissue and milder infections from blood are removed. It is uterine stimulant also. It increases uterine contractions when it is administered in large dosage. So it cleans the uterus and increases the flow when there is oligomennorrhea (less bleeding PV)
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No. 297, 6th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phase, BSK 3 Stage, Ludhiana, PUNJAB - India
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