Feng Shui Coins - The auspicious scriptures of Feng Sui are written on lucky coins. By hanging three lucky coins tied by a red ribbon, in the home good luck and increase in wealth are attained. These coins can be hung at home, office or automobile. These coins are built up of metal or plastic etc. Some people believe that these coins should be kept at worship place.
28th, Mile Stone, Main Mathura Road Faridabad, HARYANA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteFeng Shui Coins - The auspicious scriptures of Feng Sui are written on lucky coins. By hanging three lucky coins tied by a red ribbon, in the home good luck and increase in wealth are attained. These coins can be hung at home, office or automobile. These coins are built up of metal or plastic etc. Some people believe that these coins should be kept at worship place.
CEO: { Kunal Kaushik } Kunal Kaushik is the world's most famous astrologer, numerologist, Tarot and a vastu expert today and appears regularly on World Wide T.V Shows. Before that he did his Web designing courses and is a highly successful township builder. but his destiny took him to pursue astrology as his main focus. Due to his scientific background, he spent good amount of time in detail research and study of astronomy, numerology, gemology, and tantras. He has been awarded numerous awards for his research in astrology. He has been rated as one of the top Astrologers of India in 2010 when his several predictions came true for top politicians, celebrities and geographical changes. Kunal Kaushik has studied various disciplines of Indian and Chinese astrology. He has done an in depth study of Vedic astrology, KP astrology , Bhavna Mash astrology , Four Pillars Of Destiny etc. He is also attached with various international astrology groups. His contribution in the field of Vaastu &
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28th, Mile Stone, Main Mathura Road, Chandigarh, CHANDIGARH - India
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