Foot Care Products for people likely to develop foot problems includes washing the feet in tepid water with mild soap and oiling the feet with vegetable oil or a lanolin-based lotion. Toenails should be cut straight across above the level of the skin after soaking the feet in tepid water. Corns and calluses should not be cut. If they need removal, it should be done under the care of a doctor. Athletes foot and plantar warts should also be treated by a doctor if they develop in high risk patients. Many people with diabetes or circulatory disord...
G - 39, Satyam Tower, Pachim Vihar, Delhi, DELHI - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteFoot Care Products for people likely to develop foot problems includes washing the feet in tepid water with mild soap and oiling the feet with vegetable oil or a lanolin-based lotion. Toenails should be cut straight across above the level of the skin after soaking the feet in tepid water. Corns and calluses should not be cut. If they need removal, it should be done under the care of a doctor. Athletes foot and plantar warts should also be treated by a doctor if they develop in high risk patients. Many people with diabetes or circulatory disorders have problems with cold feet. These problems can be reduced by avoiding smoking tobacco (smoking constricts the blood vessels), wearing warm socks, not crossing the legs while sitting or not sitting in one position too long, or avoiding constricting stockings. People with circulatory problems should not use heating pads or hot water bottles on their feet, as even moderate heat can damage the skin if circulation is impaired.
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Mohd. Khalid
G - 39, Satyam Tower, Pachim Vihar,, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India
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