Unati Amla Juice is our wonderful product to provide you benefits of fresh amla fruit. As amla is available for the short duration in a year so we have brought amla juice to provide you benefits of fresh amla for whole of the year.
Village Keeratpura, Kotputali Jaipur, RAJASTHAN - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteUnati Amla Juice is our wonderful product to provide you benefits of fresh amla fruit. As amla is available for the short duration in a year so we have brought amla juice to provide you benefits of fresh amla for whole of the year.
Value addition and processing are the mantras for his success Kailash Chowdhary is a progressive farmer from Kiratpura village, Rajasthan. Despite his education only upto 10th standard, he applied marketing mantrasfor getting substantial price for his farming products. His concept of value addition through processing changed his life forever. Now, with the help of the Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology (CIPHET), Ludhiana, Kailash is not only earning more, he is giving almost 70 people direct and indirect employment When he started farming years back, his main concern was how to survive with only 20 acres of his ancestral land. Then he got a news that wheat is sold at double price in the Jaipur what he was selling to a local commission agent. On visiting the shop, he found that it was the same wheat. Only difference, it was graded and packaged properly. He did the same and sold it at a better price. After that he started food processing plant from a small room in his village with investment of just Rs one lakh in year 2004. While his sincere efforts kept him moving on the path of progress, technologies and technical know-how from CIPHET has strengthened him to develop international quality products through food processing.
Wholesale Supplier
Village Keeratpura, Kotputali, Delhi, DELHI - India
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