No. 31/2, Ramesh Tyagi Colony, Jharoda, Burari Delhi, DELHI - India
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A business where everybody can gain something, that is Direct Marketing. Direct Marketing has become the world's most popular way of doing business for everyday. Most of people depend on the sales in the whole world are through this effective medium of marketing by the support of human power. More than millions of people in different countries around the world are actively into this way of business. Most of the world's successful Multinational Companies including some of the more than Fortune 500 Companies follows the Direct Marketing system. It has been proved that Direct Marketing is the greatest revolution ever happened in the world marketing scenario. MAA ADISHAKTI MULTI TRADE ENTERPRISES is a genuine unit with Head Office at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. MAA ADISHAKTI MULTI TRADE ENTERPRISES is lead by a group of professionals from various fields. It is a Multi Trade Unit which has more than 16 years of experience in Direct Marketing. Now with an aim of creating new opportunities to
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Om Dogra
No. 31/2, Ramesh Tyagi Colony, Jharoda, Burari, , TAMIL NADU - India
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