Honey is made by bees from the nectar they collect from flowers. Viscous and fragrant, it's a natural sweetener and can be used just as it is to spread on bread or toast, or added to sweet and savoury dishes. Wholesome food preserves health and likewise prevents or aids the cure of a disease. The advantages attributed to honey as an aliment apply as well to its medicinal properties. The rapid assimilation of invert sugars which honey contains makes it, for instance, a desirable source of quick energy, a practical food and, at the same time...
Honey is made by bees from the nectar they collect from flowers. Viscous and fragrant, it's a natural sweetener and can be used just as it is to spread on bread or toast, or added to sweet and savoury dishes. Wholesome food preserves health and likewise prevents or aids the cure of a disease. The advantages attributed to honey as an aliment apply as well to its medicinal properties. The rapid assimilation of invert sugars which honey contains makes it, for instance, a desirable source of quick energy, a practical food and, at the same time, an effective heart stimulant.
We began in the year 2000 and grew rapidly to develop our expertise in this domain.Today,we are identified as a service provider also dealing in supplying and exporting of herbal muds,haldi (turmeric) and other medically useful herbs. In due course of time, we also started our services for bach flower consultancy and Ayurvedic medical consultancy. Dr. Dheeraj Yadav,our owner has helped us strengthen our foundation through his positive business approach and leadership abilities.He has also led our firm to new heights enabling us to create a niche for ourselves through providing extremely personal touch to their services making it a firm with a difference above others.
Wholesale Supplier
Dheeraj Vishal
E- 168/13, kamla nagar,, Chennai, TAMIL NADU - India
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