Horoscope Matching

The birth chart or the natal chart of a person is known as. When a person is born, the position and movements of the stars and planets around the sun during the time and place of his birth determine his horoscope. There are twelve different zodiac horoscopes and the analysis of these different horoscopes signs in a person’s birth chart determines his future. There can be end number of different predictions done by horoscopes; there are love horoscope, relationship horoscope, business horoscope, marriage horoscope and of course daily horo...

Vedshastra Astro

First Floor-13, Swastik Complex, Near Mahashakti Dairy, Opposite Swagat Residency, Motera Koteshwar Road Ahmedabad, GUJARAT - India

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The birth chart or the natal chart of a person is known as. When a person is born, the position and movements of the stars and planets around the sun during the time and place of his birth determine his horoscope. There are twelve different zodiac horoscopes and the analysis of these different horoscopes signs in a person’s birth chart determines his future. There can be end number of different predictions done by horoscopes; there are love horoscope, relationship horoscope, business horoscope, marriage horoscope and of course daily horoscope which can predict about the concerned matter. The three most important things that need to be kept in mind while preparing horoscopes are time of birth, place of birth and date of birth; the accuracy of these three things are very important if you want to get the correct horoscope. Horoscope is a part of astrology and in order to do good in the field of astrology it is very important to read the horoscopes correctly. There are daily horoscopes, monthly, weekly and annual horoscopes too. Here the twelve different astrological signs have their generalized predictions, a person born under a particular month may belong to a particular zodiac sign and thereon he can have the knowledge about his horoscope. This one is a more generalized formula which can predict the future of all the people born under a particular horoscope sign. But in order to get a detailed version and gain more accurate knowledge about your destiny you need to have your horoscope prepared and analyzed by an astrologer. The twelve different star signs have four different elements and a person at the time of his birth falls under the influence of a particular element, depending upon his astrological sign which later on determines that person’s characteristics. Earth water air and fire are the four elements of matter and these elements influence the life of a person. Say for e.g. a person born under the influence of fire element will automatically be short tempered and impulsive, an earth element will make one strong and solid, stubborn too at times, air is more the element of intelligence and creativity while water is just adaptability and industriousness. SURYA-RAHU GRAHAN YOGA When a person has Surya (Sun) and Rahu(moon’s north node) together in his horoscope or Rahu is sitting at seventh place from Surya, his horoscope shows RAHU SURYA GRAHAN YOGA. Due to this dosha, the person would face clashes in his work. He faces difficulties in his life and his work is obstructed. He would face struggle to get mental peace. CHANDRA RAHU GRAHAN YOGA When a person has Chandra and rahu together in his horoscope or rahu is sitting at seventh place from Chandra, his horoscope shows rahu surya grahan yoga. Due to this dosha, the person would face clashes in his work. He faces difficulties in his life and his work is obstructed. He would face struggle to get mental peace. KEMTTAM YOGA This happens in your horoscope when any two planets are parallel to Moon. This yoga brings in dearth, illness and poverty in life. One cannot enjoy celebrate despite having pleasures available to him. SHANI SURYA VISH YOGA When planet Saturn is with Sun or Sun is from third, seventh or tenth place from Saturn in a person’s horoscope, that person doesn’t get success in life and suffers from mental stress. He faces obstacles in every work. SHANI CHANDRA VISH YOGA When planet Saturn is with Moon or Moon is from third, seventh or tenth place from Saturn in a person’s horoscope, that person doesn’t get success or struggles for success in life and suffers from mental stress. He faces obstacles in every work. He gets to do the same work again and again. Promotion in life gets obstructed.


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VEDSHASTRA ASTRO site is a dream project of Mr. Kartik Rawal through which he intends to serve the humanity across the world by allowing the users to connect directly to him and discuss their problems. All have some problems in lives at one time or other and VEDSHASTRA ASTRO has solutions to all of them which can be found by you, yourself also on the website www.astrologykartikrawal.com. This website also allows you to order your own solution which will surely help you in living a smooth and trouble free life by predicting the future. You can find a number of astrology sites on the internet which claim to provide you sure solution for your problems but we strongly believed that nobody can change your future instead of God and your Good Karma so we are the one and only VEDSHASTRA ASTRO solution providers as our remedies are supported by logical and practical reasoning as given. This eliminates the possibility of hit and trial method and gives you quick and everlasting results. This is further augmented by the unselfish motive of VEDSHASTRA ASTRO and his benevolence for the entire mankind.

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Vedshastra Astro

Kartik Rawal

First Floor-13, Swastik Complex, Near Mahashakti Dairy, Opposite Swagat Residency, Motera Koteshwar Road, Jaipur, RAJASTHAN - India

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