KUNDALINI SHAKTI is a coiled-up energy in the Muladharawhich represents our spiritual power.The awakening of theKundalini is the begining of spiritual consciousness, and its union with Siva in the Sahasara, which leads to Samadhi.TheSadhana related to this is termed as Kundalini Yoga.
Lakshmi Nivas Puthencavu, P. O. Angadical , KERALA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteKUNDALINI SHAKTI is a coiled-up energy in the Muladharawhich represents our spiritual power.The awakening of theKundalini is the begining of spiritual consciousness, and its union with Siva in the Sahasara, which leads to Samadhi.TheSadhana related to this is termed as Kundalini Yoga.
Pranams to cluster of all Rishis, Yogis, Siddhas, Manava and all Deva Sakthis. Welcome to Siva Vision, the noble mission started by Shri S.S. Yogi, a great spiritual exponent who has got enlightenment through continuous Sadhana of great Siva Mantra, "OM NAMASIVAYA" started this site with a noble intention to use his Kundalini Shakthi for the welfare of all human irrespective of religion caste and creed using internet media. Our website will act as a media for the people to express their hope, emotions, attainments, failures and success in spiritual and material world to S S Yogi. Great spiritual subjects like Kundalini Yoga, Karma Yoga, Siva Sakthi Philosophy, Advaita yogam and after all direction for leading spiritual attainment life can be achieved through a meeting or regular conversation with this great soul. We do not propagate any God Man's Philosophy which has no approval in our Sashtras and also any illusionary power or vision which leads to making of a God Man' and diversion from original path of enlightenment.
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Lakshmi Nivas Puthencavu, P. O. Angadical, Agra, UTTAR PRADESH - India
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