Daruharidra, } All these three do the action of stimulating the liver to do its normal function. They control Kakamachi } secretion and stagnation of bile. Purify the blood. Remove excess pitta from the body & Kasani } tone up the liver tissue to be strong. Haridra : It tried to reduce the infection as it has anti microbial qualities. Bhumyamalaki: Improves agni, controls excess thirst, acts as liver tonic. Kiratatikta: Kills the worms in digestive gut, helps in blood purification. Bhrungaraja: Does aamapachana i.e digests the stagnat...
No. 297, 6th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phase, BSK 3 Stage , KARNATAKA - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteDaruharidra, } All these three do the action of stimulating the liver to do its normal function. They control Kakamachi } secretion and stagnation of bile. Purify the blood. Remove excess pitta from the body & Kasani } tone up the liver tissue to be strong. Haridra : It tried to reduce the infection as it has anti microbial qualities. Bhumyamalaki: Improves agni, controls excess thirst, acts as liver tonic. Kiratatikta: Kills the worms in digestive gut, helps in blood purification. Bhrungaraja: Does aamapachana i.e digests the stagnated food materials in gut, removes undigested food from body, fights worms. Tulasi: Fecilitates good digestion and improves blood circulation with imparting good qualities to it. Shunthi and Pippali : Avoid’s aama formation & gas formation in gut, eases the digestion. Sharapunkha: Along with liver this acts on spleen also. Reduces swelling of liver and spleen.
Wholesale Supplier
No. 297, 6th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phase, BSK 3 Stage, Haridwar, - India
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