Mild to moderate to Hypertension and as cardio tonic, along with other existing medication, other medication may be reduced gradually after a month. Ingredients-1. Arjuna: which has kashaya as pradana rasa and is having Hrudya prabhava. It acts as cardio tonic, regulator and stimulant and reduces edema. To some extent acts as anti-coagulant also. 2. Sarpagandha: Controls and manages Blood pressure effectively 3. Rasona:It is a well known anti cholesterol drug significantly reduces lipids and Cholesterol, reduces obesity by constant use. ...

Vasishta Pharmaceuticals Private Limited

No. 297, 6th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phase, BSK 3 Stage , KARNATAKA - India

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Product Description

Mild to moderate to Hypertension and as cardio tonic, along with other existing medication, other medication may be reduced gradually after a month. Ingredients-1. Arjuna: which has kashaya as pradana rasa and is having Hrudya prabhava. It acts as cardio tonic, regulator and stimulant and reduces edema. To some extent acts as anti-coagulant also. 2. Sarpagandha: Controls and manages Blood pressure effectively 3. Rasona:It is a well known anti cholesterol drug significantly reduces lipids and Cholesterol, reduces obesity by constant use. 4. Haritaki: due to kashayarasa it is hrthbalakara and supports the action of two drugs and facilitates easy passage of stools.


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Vasishta Pharmaceuticals Private Limited


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