Massage Slipper-Poor Blood circulation can result when blood flow becomes restricted to certain parts of the body. Standing and sitting at work for long periods at a time, can be a potential health risk. Often people notice it at the extremities of the body such as the toes or fingers, however, Footwear for Blood Circulation can affect the entire body and men, women and children can all suffer from it. Actually affects the blood flow throughout the whole body, but here it is most your work shoes with you to increase your circulation at least to...
S-562, 1st Floor, Main Road, School Block Shakarpur Delhi, DELHI - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteMassage Slipper-Poor Blood circulation can result when blood flow becomes restricted to certain parts of the body. Standing and sitting at work for long periods at a time, can be a potential health risk. Often people notice it at the extremities of the body such as the toes or fingers, however, Footwear for Blood Circulation can affect the entire body and men, women and children can all suffer from it. Actually affects the blood flow throughout the whole body, but here it is most your work shoes with you to increase your circulation at least to and from work. Combines the biomagnetic wave technology with traditional acupuncture.Promote blood circulation, relieve pain of arthritis, eliminate edema and improve the foot problems. Microwaves can be sent to calf, knee and thigh to shape your legs. Regular use of the massage shoes several minutes each day can easily keep healthy.
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Mukesh Kumar
S-562, 1st Floor, Main Road, School Block Shakarpur, Chennai, TAMIL NADU - India
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