Meditation is the attainment of a high level of concentration and reaching out to the inner depths of mind. The path to meditation consists of three stages- Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (enlightenment). By concentrating on any particular object for a long time, attention is fixed and Dhyana or meditation is achieved. Prolonged meditation leads to Samadhi or enlightenment.
No. 160, Somdutt Chamber, 2 Bhikaji Cama Place , DELHI - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteMeditation is the attainment of a high level of concentration and reaching out to the inner depths of mind. The path to meditation consists of three stages- Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (enlightenment). By concentrating on any particular object for a long time, attention is fixed and Dhyana or meditation is achieved. Prolonged meditation leads to Samadhi or enlightenment.
Wholesale Supplier
Ravi Sharma
No. 160, Somdutt Chamber, 2 Bhikaji Cama Place, , DELHI - India
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