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ABOUT US: Our Company has Research and Development (R&D), manned by competent professionals at corporate office as well as at manufacturing plants. Th...
Verified NTI Member.
Surendra Traders are the manufacturer and exporters of Natural mentha oil , Natural Menthol Bold Crystals, Terpeneless menthol Crystal, liquid menthol, men...
Verified NTI Member.
We k. M. Chemicals are manufacturer of mint products (menthol, menthol bold crystals) with our production unit based at chandausi (u. P, india), which is t...
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AROMATIC PRIVATE LIMITED (SAMDE) is having an efficient and highly professional work force with handsome experience in the processing ofEssential Oils and ...
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We, 'Silky Pharmaceutical & Chemicals Ltd.' are a renowned organization engaged in manufacturing, exporting and supplying a wide range of Men...
Fitness is a word which describes the mental and physical wellbeing of a person. For doing the activ...
Yoga is one enduring exercise program that has been existing for around more than 5000 years. It has...
In today's scenario Ayurvedic and herbal products have become a trend, people prefer to use a t...
Menthol is an organic compound secured from peppermint, cornmint or other mint oils. The menthol oil (along with other oils such as camphor and eucalyptus) are often used in alternative medicines for treating several health conditions or ailments. Menthol is a constituent of the peppermint oil, typically bathed in a charismatic fragrance. It can be utilized to treat irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, cold, digestive disturbances and headache. It can also soothe muscle or nerve pain. Menthol, itself is associated with a cooling sensation, meant for lightening general discomfort. <br /> Natural Therapy India can be referred to, by buyers willing to purchase the beneficial menthol oil, since it lists out details of the stores offering the same. <br /> <br type="_moz" />
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