Like all good small soap companies, The Natural Soap Company started on the kitchen table. Founder Sara Phillips tried soapmaking as a hobby and like many was quickly hooked by the alchemy of the process. Handmade soap is common in countries such as America, where there is a history of handmade soapmaking as it was a basic necessity for the pioneers, but in the UK and Europe the hobby was rarer, largely because both England and European countries, particularly France and Spain, have had a commercial soap-making industry that goes back centuries...
B - 84, Ground Floor, Dayanand Colony Lajpat Nagar-IV Delhi, DELHI - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteLike all good small soap companies, The Natural Soap Company started on the kitchen table. Founder Sara Phillips tried soapmaking as a hobby and like many was quickly hooked by the alchemy of the process. Handmade soap is common in countries such as America, where there is a history of handmade soapmaking as it was a basic necessity for the pioneers, but in the UK and Europe the hobby was rarer, largely because both England and European countries, particularly France and Spain, have had a commercial soap-making industry that goes back centuries.
The company began its journey in the year 2004 and planned to enter in "Hospitality" through a most sophisticated (Silken) segment i.e. HOTELS AND HOSPITALS and roots from here to other institutions. The success of any enterprise lies in the professional expertise of the management and more importantly the kind and quality of its clientele.
Wholesale Supplier
Vijay Kumar
B - 84, Ground Floor, Dayanand Colony Lajpat Nagar-IV, Jamshedpur, JHARKHAND - India
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