Naturopathy In this form of application, mud is applied to the particular part of the body to get desired effect. It can be applied in the form of packs or direct application to the part can be made eg:- Daily application of mud to the abdomen, regulates the function of abdominal organs there by improving digestion.
Naturopathy In this form of application, mud is applied to the particular part of the body to get desired effect. It can be applied in the form of packs or direct application to the part can be made eg:- Daily application of mud to the abdomen, regulates the function of abdominal organs there by improving digestion.
Yoga Sadhana organization has established 2010 at Paschim Vihar endeavor to provide healthy lifestyle to all health conscious individuals and improve their quality of life through Naturopathy coupled with Yoga, Meditation & Preksha Dhiyana to stay disease free unto old age.
Wholesale Supplier
Amit Singh
Paschim Vihar Extension, Delhi, DELHI - India
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