Numerology is a science of occult significance of numbers. It is the master key through which we can expand our spiritual horizons and unlock the door to our psyche to comprehend the true purpose and meaning of our existence. ORIGIN: Advanced Numerology is said to have come from the teachings and calculations of the renowned Greek Philosopher, Mathematician and Numerologist PYTHAGORAS, whom people in India remember for the Pythagoras Theorem in mathematics. Born in 6th century B.C., Pythagoras wanted to liberate the minds of the people from pol...
Numerology is a science of occult significance of numbers. It is the master key through which we can expand our spiritual horizons and unlock the door to our psyche to comprehend the true purpose and meaning of our existence. ORIGIN: Advanced Numerology is said to have come from the teachings and calculations of the renowned Greek Philosopher, Mathematician and Numerologist PYTHAGORAS, whom people in India remember for the Pythagoras Theorem in mathematics. Born in 6th century B.C., Pythagoras wanted to liberate the minds of the people from political and religious confinement. He advocated, ‘KNOW YOURSELF AND YOU WILL KNOW THE UNIVERSE’. SCIENTIFIC THEORY: Renowned scientist ALBERT EINSTEIN taught that everything in the universe is composed of energy and all energy has vibrational patterns. When one learns to understand and analyze these patterns, one also learns the tremendous inter working among vibrations. One way to learn about vibrations is through numerology, which shows that even the human beings are composed of energy patterns and the DNA of a human body vibrates @ 50-78 GHz. ADVANCED NUMEROLOGY & UNIVERSAL VIBRATIONS: Centuries before EINSTEIN, PYTHAGORAS said that each planet had a peculiar sound (music of spheres) and a peculiar number of its own. Pythagoras believed that at the exact moment of an individual’s birth, the universe had a peculiar ‘Vibration’. The person thus born is governed throughout life by a particular planet and the frequency of the number allotted to that planet. PHILOSOPHY BEHIND NUMEROLOGY: A human being in a particular lifetime, called the INCARNATION, is only a finite projection of his infinite self in the universe. The soul has come in the imprisonment of the body to learn a particular lesson. When all the lessons are learnt and perfection achieved, there is no re-birth and he then lives as an ‘ETERNAL BEING’ on some higher plane in the cosmos. HOW ADVANCED NUMEROLOGY WORKS: The history and future of a person is coded in his name and date of birth. The name along with the complete date of birth determines the two most important Major numbers in the life of a person. These numbers are called the Destiny and the Fate numbers respectively. Based on these two Major numbers are calculated many Major and Minor numbers such as the Ultimate No., Ruling No., Growth No., Heart No., Personality No., Habit No., Approach No., Cap No., Depth No., Balance No., Intensity No., Temperament No., Birth Force Period No., Pinnacle No., Challenge No., Personal Year No., Current Year No., Event No., Karmic No. etc. SYNCHRONIZATION OF NUMBERS: If these Major and Minor numbers are in harmonious vibration with each other, then we can have a wonderful life. Otherwise frustration, tension, illness, limitations and failures in business, career, relationships and education are to be faced. REMEDIAL MEASURES: Life is a game of numbers and numerology is a ‘science of numbers’. By decoding and synchronizing the vibrations of our numbers, we can redefine our destiny to achieve success and prosperity. In fact Advanced Numerology provides us with a road map and headlights on the highway of life to reach our destiny with minimum misery and maximum happiness. CONCLUSION: Advanced Numerology helps us to understand the meaning and purpose of our existence and the lessons we have to learn in the present birth. It also elaborates upon the reasons of our sufferings and offers solutions to the chronic problems and hurdles faced by us at various stages of our lives. People who experience the miracle of numerology are mesmerized by the insight, analysis and advice it offers along with its ability to predict PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE to utmost accuracy.
Life is the most precious gift and a human being is the ultimate species created by God but unfortunately it is the only species that is born crying and dies repenting. It is so because most of us do not know the real reason of our birth and actual purpose of our life. If one wants to live a joyous and vibrant life, one has to reorient ones thinking by comprehending the true meaning and purpose of life.
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