
Numerology is based on planets and the numbers. Each number, as calculated from our date of birth or our name has a very specific vibration and meanings that makes clear and visible particular characteristics and human behavior. These numbers tells us to reveal important informationabout our character and destiny, about opportunities that will come along and about challenges we might have to face during our life period. Numerology guides us in our strong and weak periods of life. In numerology movements of planets are also essential which infl...

Future Guide

G-6, Rameshwar Ram Maruti Road Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India

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Product Description

Numerology is based on planets and the numbers. Each number, as calculated from our date of birth or our name has a very specific vibration and meanings that makes clear and visible particular characteristics and human behavior. These numbers tells us to reveal important informationabout our character and destiny, about opportunities that will come along and about challenges we might have to face during our life period. Numerology guides us in our strong and weak periods of life. In numerology movements of planets are also essential which influence our body. There are various types of numerology but I strongly believe in date of birth numerology, Feng-shui numerology, tarot numerology and mobile numerology.


About Company

Every human being is aware of turn and twist, ups and downs, no one can get rid of the situation unless get some guidance. Likewise, I had gone through difficult twist where my hobby turned into my profession. Thus my journey begins as a tarot reader. Since ten years I’m not only engaged as a tarot reader but I associate with various other things like Feng-shui,Numerology, Pendulum Dousing,Pyramids, and Chinese Astrology for betterment of individuals. Along with this I can guide through mobile numerology and 9 cards spread, this is new concept and my creation which helps the people for better health, better business, wealth, marriage carrier, and of course better future. Last ten years already I had many satisfied customers. Apart from this I am regular student of Rajyoga meditation. Every being in this world, aspires for peace and happiness. Rajyoga enables the soul to have contact with god and to reach the highest peak of purity, peace, bliss, virtue and spiritual power. In today’s life man is placed in a situation of constant stress and strain. It takes most of the decision in his state of tension and hurry and thus involves himself into further trouble. In such situation a little practice of meditation gives him inner strength, mental relaxation, and thus enhance his capacity to judge the things.

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Future Guide

Nilesh Veera

G-6, Rameshwar Ram Maruti Road, Jaipur, RAJASTHAN - India

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