Organic Black seed oil

RS. 290/

"Black Seed heals every disease except for death." The Prophet Mohammed proclaimed over fourteen hundred years ago. The ancient Egyptians knew and used the black seed and described it as a panacea (cure for problems and diseases). Tutankamun even had a bottle of the oil in his tomb! The Romans also knew this seed and called it Greek Coriander and used it as a dietary supplement. In the first century, the Greek physician Dioscoredes recorded that the black seed were taken to treat headaches, nasal congestion, toothache and in...

Maa Ayurvedics

chithira, KP - VII / 602 B Ulloorkonam, Thundathil PO , KERALA - India

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"Black Seed heals every disease except for death." The Prophet Mohammed proclaimed over fourteen hundred years ago. The ancient Egyptians knew and used the black seed and described it as a panacea (cure for problems and diseases). Tutankamun even had a bottle of the oil in his tomb! The Romans also knew this seed and called it Greek Coriander and used it as a dietary supplement. In the first century, the Greek physician Dioscoredes recorded that the black seed were taken to treat headaches, nasal congestion, toothache and intestinal worms. The black seed is also mentioned in the Bible in Isiah 28:25-27 as the ‘fitches’. Ibn Senna, known in the West as Avicenna, who wrote the great medical treatise 'The Canon of Medicine', referred to the black seed as the seed ‘that stimulates the body's energy and helps recovery from fatigue’. What is Nigella Sativa (the black seed)? Nigella Sativa originates from Western Asia and is a herb that grows about 16-24 inches in height and has white flowers when in bloom. The plant is now cultivated from the Near East to India. The deep black, sharp-cornered rectangular seeds (no longer than 3 mm) are the part of the plant that is used for the preparation of products. The black seed is cultivated in Russia, Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, Oman, Ethiopia, Middle East, Far East, India, Bangladesh, France, Germany and the Mediterranean Basin. It also grows wild in Egypt, Syria, Asiatic Turkey and the Balkan States. Nigella Sativa is known commonly in Arabic as Habbat-ul-Baraka (blessed seed) and in English as Love in the Mist. Scientifically Proven Effects of Black Cumin · Disease Resistance: Black Cumin boosts the immune system by stimulating the bone marrow and the production of white blood cells. It also enhances antibody production. Thus the resistance of the body against bacterial, viral and fungal infections is significantly increased. This property also helps in the cure of such infections. · Respiratory Illnesses: The antihistaminic and bronchodilatory properties of black cumin helps in the prevention and treatment of respiratory ailments like allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. · Digestive System: Black cumin helps to promote digestion and has got potent anti-helminthic properties, which helps in curing intestinal worms. It also enhances liver function. · Cancers: Black cumin’s anti-cancer properties are well documented. It helps prevent a number of cancers by facilitating early detection and destruction of cancer cells. It is unbelievably effective in suppressing the progress of many cancers including leukemia and highly invasive pancreatic cancer. · Autoimmune Diseases: Black Cumin seeds are highly effective in the prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and SLE. This is due to it anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulatory properties. · Diabetes: Found to be effective in the regulation of blood sugar. · Skin Diseases: Very effective in the treatment of skin diseases like acne, eczema and psoriasis and also in the quick healing of burns. · Migraine: Effective in the prevention and treatment of headaches and migraine. · Kidneys: It enhances kidney function and is an effective diuretic. · Milk Production: It increases milk production in lactating mothers. · Libido: Increases sexual energy and libido in both men and women. · Sperm count: Known to enhance fertility among men by increasing the sperm count. · Opioid Dependence: Effective in treating opioid dependence. · Beauty: Oral as well as external uses of black cumin oil preparations helps in enhancing beauty and radiance. These results are achieved by strengthening hair and nails, increasing skin texture and by boosting the overall blood flow and vitality of the body. Cosmetic preparations of black cumin are good moisturizers and helps decrease wrinkles. · Hair Loss: Very effective in the prevention and treatment of hair loss. · Menstrual Problems: Black cumin acts as a stimulant of menstruation in conditions like oligo menorrhea. The use of black cumin is not a quick fix solution for any of the above condition. It is more like a food substance which strengthens the body from within when taken over a period of time. This is what is implied in the prophetic phrase “hold on to the use of the black seed…. Nigella Sativa Healing Properties Nigella sativa (Black Seed) oil contains over 100 therapeutic components which work together synergetically. When we include this healing product in our every day diet we are supplied with an endless list of components that are required for vitality and good health. 20% protein, 35% carbohydrates, 35-45% vegetable oils and fats, Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential oil 0.5-1.5%. The perfect balance in the body the omega 6 and omega 3 should be in a ratio of 3:1 respectively. Nigella sativa (Black Seed) oil helps maintain this ratio through the production of Prostoglandin E1. Studies have determined this is probably brought about by the component thymoquinone (contained in Nigella sativa oil). Thymoquinone : Thymoquinone is an antioxidant, which inhibits the formation of undesirable prostoglandins, is anti-inflammatory and has a pain killing effect. It has a choleretic effect (stimulates the production of bile) and is good for fat metabolism and detoxification. It has a bronchodilating effect and is thereby protective against asthma attacks. It has been reported that it inhibits the secretion of histamines and could be a true alternative to cortisone based therapies for certain allergy sufferers. Thymoquinone is proven to be a natural, very potent anti-oxidant. When oxygen isn’t broken down completely in the cell membrane, which can be due to alcohol intake, drugs, bad diet and environmental pollution,the formation of free radicals results. This can lead to a number of diseases including: cataract, heart disease, weakened immune system, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Production of Prostaglandin E1 : The Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded for research done on prostoglandins in 1982. The fatty acids are up to 50% polyunsaturated and therefore essential for human beings. Nigella sativa (Blackseed) oil can be compared to Borage and Primrose oil for this high essential content yet it has further healing components and is more versatile. It is the essential fatty acids combined with the volatile oil that play the vital role of forming prostoglandin E1 that harmonizes the immune system. Prostaglandin E1 has numerous actions in the human body: · It has a regulates the brain functions, nerve conduction, and release of transmitter substances and messenger substances. · It lowers the blood pressure and vasodilation and prevents the clumping of the little blood platelets (thrombocytes) · It regulates the immune system and activates the T-lymphocytes, which are essential for the body’s defense against illness. · It inhibits allergic processes · It normalizes inflamed skin · It has a bronchodilating effect · It increases hormonal secretion for the thyroid hormone and insulin, for example. · It regulates the female sexual hormones, especially during the corpous-luteum phase of the cycle, pregnancy and menopause. · It has an anti-inflammatory effect by preventing the release of certain enzymes that cause inflammations. Prostoglandin E1 has a regulating and harmonizing effect on the immune system. This creates a calming effect when there is an over reaction, as is the case with allergies and asthma, which Blackseed oil’s thymoquinone also supports the anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory, and secretagogic effect of prostoglandinE1. Similarly, Black Seed oil also regulates the weakened immune system by increasing its capability of eliminating free radicals, tumours and cancerous cells. Nigellon : Nigellon, another compound found in Nigella sativa, is also bronchodilatory and has an antispasmodic and warming effect. This is another reason why Nigella sativa can help treat respiratory disorders such as asthma and whooping cough. Research has also confirmed that it has anti- histamine qualities comparable to thymoquinone. Saponin Melathin (Anti Parasitic) : Saponin Melathin (found in Nigella sativa (Black seed) oil has strong cleaning properties and is used as a laxative and for destroying parasites. It is effective in destroying parasites in infants where most herbal remedies would be too extreme, for example, a common herbal treatment is wormwood, a severe cleansing herb and cannot be used in sensitive applications. In food, Saponin Melathin promotes the absorption of nutrients. It increases secretion and is considered mucolytic and expectorant providing liquefication of bronchial secretion and quick removal of bronchial mucous. It supports the bitter principle nigellin’s curative effect on metabolism for stimulating the appetite and as a digestant aid (this is due to the increased secretion of gastric juices). It promotes intestinal cleansing and encourages an overall eliminating action. Beta-sisterol (also found in Nigella Sativa) reduces cholesterol levels. Essential Oils and Lymphatic drainage : Essential oils have the holistic effect by smells triggering release of hormones and messenger substance. Also they are digested directly through the lymphatics helping to clear any congestion in the lymphatic system. This leaves the lymphatic system free to perform it’s function of purifying the blood (essential during any illness). Vitamin B Complex : Nigella Sativa oil is rich in vitamin B complex: Vitamin B2 Is muscle tone along the digestive tract and promotes the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver. Selenium : Selenium is also found in Nigella sativa. Studies have shown that mortality (death) from cancer, including lung, colorectal, and prostate cancers, is lower among people with higher selenium blood levels or intake.Antioxidant selenium is believed to reduce the risk of cancer, prevent blood clots, to be antiviral, anti-bacterial and inhibit chromozone damage. It is also said to counteract the effect toxins and heavy metals. Selenium is also used for standard external application for skin problems to experimental and theoretical applications in nutrition and internal medicine. Naturopaths use selenium supplements to treat asthma, acne, tendinitis, infertility problems in men, and postmenopausal disorders in women. B-Carotene : B-Carotene is converted by the liver into vitamin A, the vitamin known for its anti-cancer activity. Arginine: Which is essential for infant growth. Fifteen amino acids: Make up the protein content of Nigella sativa (black seed), including nine of the nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesised within our body in sufficient quantities and are thus required from our diet. Nigella sativa is also a source of calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium. Required only in small amounts by the body, these elements’ main function is to act as essential cofactors in various enzyme functions. With all these compounds and nutrients, it becomes less of a mystery as to why Nigella Sativa is so effective in the treatment of so many chronic, debilitating diseases. Chemical Composition of Black Cumin Seed: Listed below are some of the important components isolated from the black seeds. · Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs): Black Cumin Seeds are rich source of Essential fatty acids (Linoleic acid and Linolenic acid). EFAs are omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids which cannot be synthesized in the body. They are important constituents for the generation of immune cells and for the growth and maintenance of the nervous system. · Essential Amino Acids (EAAs): Amino Acids are building blocks of proteins. Black Cumin Seeds contain 15 amino acids, 8 of which are Essential Amino Acids that cannot be synthesized in the body. · Nigellone: This is a potent anti-histamine, which is responsible for the anti-allergic and anti-asthmatic properties of Black Cumin (Nigella). · Sterols: The seed is rich in sterols especially beta-sitosterol, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. · Thymoquinone and other Volatile Oils: Thymoquinone is the potent anti-cancer agent found in black seed, which was demonstrated to significantly inhibit the growth of pancreatic cancer cells, one of the most invasive cancers of man. It does this by augmenting the process of apoptosis or programmed cell death. Other volatile oils include p-cymene, limonene and carvone. All these have potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. · Immunomodulators: These are substances that rectify imbalances in the immune system thereby preventing the occurrence of auto-immune diseases. · Vitamins: Contains many of the water soluble and fat soluble vitamins, especially carotene, the precursor of vitamin A, which is a potent anti-oxidant. · Minerals: Black Cumin is a rich source of minerals like sodium, potassium, iron and calcium, which play a number of roles in maintaining the health and vitality. · Monosaccharides: Good source of monosaccharides like glucose, rhamnose, xylose and arabinose. · Polysaccharides: Contains non-starch polysaccharides, which are good source of dietary fiber �a component with proven role in the prevention of colonic cancer. Benefits: It is narrated by the hadith that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: 'Use the black seed because it has a relief of all diseases, but death.' There are many, many benefits of the black seed. Here we will list some of them. Traditional uses of the Black Seed from around the world For centuries, the black seed and its oil has been used by people in Asia, Africa, the Middle and Far East to promote health and fight disease. It has been traditionally used to treat a variety of ailments and conditions related to respiratory health, stomach and intestinal complaints, kidney and liver function, circulatory and immune system support and to improve health in general. Please find below some traditional Black Seed remedies that are used around the world: Asthma & Bronchial Problems (Far East, Middle East & Malay Peninsula) Mix a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil in coffee. Taken twice daily. Also rub chest with Black Seed Oil every night and inhale the vapour of Black Seed Oil in hot water. Backache & other kinds of rheumatism (Middle East & Malay Peninsula) Mildly heat a small amount of Black Seed Oil and then stroke the rheumatic area intensely. A teaspoon of the oil should also be drunk three times daily. Diabetes (India) Mix a cup of whole Black Seeds, a cup of watercress or mustard seeds, half a cup of pomegranate peel, and half a cup of fumitory. Grind the mixture to powder. Take half a teaspoon of the mixture together with a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil daily before breakfast for one month. Diarrhoea (India & Middle East) Mix a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil with a cup of yoghurt. Drinking the mixture twice a day until symptoms disappear. Dry Cough (Middle East & North Africa)A teaspoon of Black Seed Oil should be mixed in coffee and taken twice a day. Rub the chest and back with Black Seed Oil. Flu & Nasal Congestion (General) Placing three to four drops of Black Seed Oil in each nostril can relieve nasal congestion and head cold distress. Hair Greying (General) Massaging the hair with Black Seed Oil regularly may prevent premature hair greying. Hair Loss (India & Middle East) Stroke the scalp thoroughly with lemon and leave for about 15 minutes, shampoo, wash and dry hair thoroughly. Then massage Black Seed Oil into the scalp. Drink a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil mixed in tea/coffee. Hay Fever (Middle East) One tablespoon of Black Seed Oil mixed with a glass of lemon should be taken twice daily until symptoms disappear. Headaches (General) Rub the forehead and the sides of the face near the ears with Black Seed Oil and bandage the head. Also a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil should be taken before breakfast. Healthy Being (General) To maintain good health take a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil mixed with one teaspoon of pure honey, twice daily. Healthy Complexion (General) Mix a tablespoon of Black Seed Oil with a tablespoon of olive oil. Rub the face with this mixture and leave it for at least one hour. Wash with soap and water. Hypertension (India) Mix any drink with a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil and also take two lobes of garlic every morning with breakfast. Rub all the body with Black Seed Oil and expose your body to sun rays for half an hour once every three days. Repeat for one month. Laziness and Fatigue (Turkey) One tablespoon of Black Seed Oil with a glass of pure orange juice every morning for at least 10 days. Memory Improvement (Middle East) A teaspoon of Black Seed Oil mixed in 100mg of boiled mint for at least 15 days. Muscular pains (General) Massage the area with Black Seed Oil. Nervous Tension Stress (India) A teaspoon of Black Seed Oil with a cup of tea/coffee to be taken three times daily. Sexual Impotency (Europe & Middle East) Mix 200g of ground Black Seeds with Olive Oil & l00g of ground olibanum & 50g of Black Seed Oil & 50g of olive oil & 200g of pure honey. Mix thoroughly and take a tablespoon after every meal. Sleeping Disorder (General) A tablespoon of Black Seed Oil mixed with honey in any hot drink in the evening. Toothache & Gums (General) First cook Black Seeds with vinegar. Add Black Seed Oil. Rinse the mouth with this formulation to help the gums and relieve toothache. Ulcers (Indonesia & India) Roast powdered Black Seeds over the fire. Mix them with oil of orrisroot, or the oil of henna plant, or the oil of camphire plant making an ointment that is then spread over the festering rural ulcers. After lavation treat with vinegar.


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