RS. 150/

DESCRIPTION: ORTHO-NILL is used most successfully as an anti-arthritic/rheumatic combo containing the most active ingredients Kuchla, Salai guggal and suranjan. The other constituents in the formula are the helping agents of ORTHO-NILL. They reduce the temperature, lessen the swelling and relieve the pain. As an Analgesic ORTHO-NILL may be given in neuralgias and lumbago and is also considered to be an effective remedy for sciatica and neuralgia

J.K. Health Care

Near Jail Fatak, Gandhi Calony Road, Shivpuri Muzaffarnagar, UTTAR PRADESH - India

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Product Specification

Product Description

DESCRIPTION: ORTHO-NILL is used most successfully as an anti-arthritic/rheumatic combo containing the most active ingredients Kuchla, Salai guggal and suranjan. The other constituents in the formula are the helping agents of ORTHO-NILL. They reduce the temperature, lessen the swelling and relieve the pain. As an Analgesic ORTHO-NILL may be given in neuralgias and lumbago and is also considered to be an effective remedy for sciatica and neuralgia


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J.K. Health Care

Mukesh Bansal

Near Jail Fatak, Gandhi Calony Road, Shivpuri, Ahmedabad, GUJARAT - India

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