Physiotherapy Clinic Physiotherapy addresses health issues related to body movement by treating pains in joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. It also looks at problems related to physical balance, posture, headaches, numbness in limbs etc. Looking for the underlying physical causes, physiotherapy corrects them by means of stretches, massage, ultra sound, and specific exercises to be done at home afterwards.
East Coast Road - Chinnamudalyarchavadi , - India
View Contact Number Get a QuotePhysiotherapy Clinic Physiotherapy addresses health issues related to body movement by treating pains in joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. It also looks at problems related to physical balance, posture, headaches, numbness in limbs etc. Looking for the underlying physical causes, physiotherapy corrects them by means of stretches, massage, ultra sound, and specific exercises to be done at home afterwards.
Auroville’s health spa, offers a wide variety of natural healing therapies. A place to relax, rejuvenate, recharge and heal; a place to discover deep contentment, inner peace and joy.
Wholesale Supplier
Guido Ryckaert
East Coast Road - Chinnamudalyarchavadi, Delhi, DELHI - India
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