PRANIC HEALING is a highly developed and tested system of energy based healing techniques that utilizes "prana" to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. "Prana" is a Sanskrit word that means "life-force". This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In acupuncture, the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as "Chi". It is also called "Ruah" or the "Breath of Life" in the Old Testament. PRANIC HEALING...
Nive Village, Mulshi Pune, MAHARASHTRA - india
View Contact Number Get a QuotePRANIC HEALING is a highly developed and tested system of energy based healing techniques that utilizes "prana" to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. "Prana" is a Sanskrit word that means "life-force". This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In acupuncture, the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as "Chi". It is also called "Ruah" or the "Breath of Life" in the Old Testament. PRANIC HEALINGis a simple yet powerful and effective no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a "self-repairing" living entity that possesses the innate alaility to heal itself.
The GMCKS Arhatic Yoga Ashram was Grand Master Choa Kok Sui's Vision and Dream. It holds an important part of his mission to spread the teachings of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.Master was dedicated to build a beautiful and comfortable Ashram where serious practitioners of Arhatic Yoga from around the world could come and practice intensively. GMCKS Arhatic Yoga Ashram combines the comforts of home and an exclusive environment where Arhatic Yogis can learn and grow spiritually. The Ashram is spread over nearly sixty acres of scenic land surrounded by hills and valleys. It is a paradise insulated from the outside world. Situated in a deep gorge valley between the beautiful Mulshi lake and the magnificent natural formations of verdant valleys and hills, Arhatic Yogis from around the world will be rejuvenated by an abundance of fresh prana.
Wholesale Supplier
Rajesh Prajapati
Nive Village, Mulshi, , - india
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