PEMF Treatment or Pulse Electromagnetic Therapy is an amending technique which is most commonly used for unorganized bone fractures, failed spinal fusion, orthopedics, congenital pseudarthrosis and mental disorders. It is also used for bone healing because the pulsed magnetic fields are made to pass through injured tissue which helps to repair the cells. Such devices have already been approved by FDA as it helps in bone repair.
PEMF Treatment or Pulse Electromagnetic Therapy is an amending technique which is most commonly used for unorganized bone fractures, failed spinal fusion, orthopedics, congenital pseudarthrosis and mental disorders. It is also used for bone healing because the pulsed magnetic fields are made to pass through injured tissue which helps to repair the cells. Such devices have already been approved by FDA as it helps in bone repair.
The main purpose of this website is to educate the visitors about PEMF and enlighten the readers about its long-term benefits through our products. We specialize in different kinds of PEMF devices and know that every condition is different for individuals and it is our goal to make the customers understand how it can help to improve their lives. It is a revolutionary approach that aids in the treatment of health related issues like acute body injury, chronic pain, depression, heart disease, sinus and nerve problems. We firmly believe that our products are best in the industry as they are affordable, efficient, provide a sufficient and supplementary treatment. Over the years we have strived hard to bring in the (PEMF) devices.
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Samir Singhal
H-48, Green Park Extension, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India
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