Pure & Natural Honey

A sweet substance made from the nectar of flowers by bees, who use some of it as food. The bees collect the nectar from flowers with their tongue and project it into their "crop" (a pouch located in the digestive tube). The nectar is transformed into honey through enzymes in the saliva and gastric juices. This transformed nectar is deposited by the bees in the cells of the hive and ventilated by vigorous wing-beating to reduce its moisture content by 14%-20%. The honey is then ready to eat. The floral origin of the nectar influences...

Khunteta Industries India

1-GHA-21 , Housing Bord , Manu Marg Alwar, RAJASTHAN - India

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Product Specification

Product Description

A sweet substance made from the nectar of flowers by bees, who use some of it as food. The bees collect the nectar from flowers with their tongue and project it into their "crop" (a pouch located in the digestive tube). The nectar is transformed into honey through enzymes in the saliva and gastric juices. This transformed nectar is deposited by the bees in the cells of the hive and ventilated by vigorous wing-beating to reduce its moisture content by 14%-20%. The honey is then ready to eat. The floral origin of the nectar influences the color of the honey, its flavor and viscosity. The color varies from white to almost black, passing through brown, russet and blond hues. As a general rule, the darker the honey, the stronger the flavor. Among the most common honeys, clover, canola and alfalfa honeys are pale and moderate in flavor; heather honey is russet-colored and strong-tasting; and acacia honey is very mild, transparent and liquid.


About Company

Khunteta Industries is the bulk supplier of Pure & Natural Honey & Bees wax to all the nations around the globe. We provide honey and Bees wax by ensuring quality,hygiene and traceability of wide range of honey to meet customers expectations through our credibility

Company Factsheet

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Wholesale Supplier

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Khunteta Industries India


1-GHA-21 , Housing Bord , Manu Marg, , UTTAR PRADESH - India

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