Quantum Body Analyzer Machine - HI-Tech diagnostic analyzer will produce your client's Health status in minutes introducing the newest high - tech innovation that combines the best of medicine, bio information, electrical engineering and other sciences. Applying quantum body analyzer medicine as the theorectical basis, this advanced electronic equipment collects the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining a person's health status and main problems and putting forward standard preve...
No. 50, Arjun Nagar, Jagatpuri Main Road, Near Punjab National Bank Delhi, DELHI - India
View Contact Number Get a QuoteQuantum Body Analyzer Machine - HI-Tech diagnostic analyzer will produce your client's Health status in minutes introducing the newest high - tech innovation that combines the best of medicine, bio information, electrical engineering and other sciences. Applying quantum body analyzer medicine as the theorectical basis, this advanced electronic equipment collects the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining a person's health status and main problems and putting forward standard prevention recommendations.The accuracy rate of analyzer device can reach up to 85%. The quantum bio-electric whole health analyzer is a new instrument created to analyse such phenomenon. The weak magnetic frequency and enegry of human body are collected by holding sensor , after amplification by the instrument and treatment by the built in microprocessor, the data are compared with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incoprated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the fourier approach. Features: Helps to uncover the onset of major diseases, which can assist in early treatment. Provides complete and full health reports explained in a practical and simple way. Offers health results quickly. The theraphy device can detect health changes before obvious symptoms and diseases appear. Through using this health instrument , health check can be made anytime and anywhere. This will save time for patients. The cost of testing is quite reasonable , acceptable for average cosumer Name of analysis report : 1. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular 2. Gastrointestinal function 3. Liver function 4. Gallbladder function 5. Pancreatic function 6.Kidney function 7. Lung function 8. Brain nerve 9. Bone disease 10.Bone mineral density 11. Rheumatiod bone dieases 12. Bone growth index 13. Blood sugar 14. Trace element 15.Vitamin 16.Amino acid 17.Coenzyme 18.Endocrine System 19.Immune system 20. Human toxin 21. Heavy metal 22. Basic Physical quality 23.Allergy 24. Skin 25. Eye 26. Collagen 27. Obesity 28. Channels and collaterals 29. pulse of heart and brain 30. Blood lipids. 31.Gynecology 32. Breast 33. Menstrual cycle 34. Element of human..
Arogya Health Care is Our organization is managed by a team of highly qualified professionals who enable us in catering to the individual requirement of clients within a stipulated time frame. Furthermore, with the support of them, we also provide after sales service to our clients as per their requirement. We follow ethical business policies to achieve the maximum satisfaction level of our esteemed clients. Apart from this, we also accept easy modes of payment such as cash, DD to make hassle free transaction with us. We work under the able guidance of our mentor of the company, Mr. Jitesh Manchanda, who have in-depth knowledge in the industry. His vast industry experience and knowledge in this domain have helped us to set a benchmark in the industry. Moreover, by offering unmatched quality of products at industry leading prices, we have gained huge clientele across the globe. We import our product from Korea, china, Singapore, Taiwan & Hong Kong.
Wholesale Supplier
Jitesh Manchanda
No. 50, Arjun Nagar, Jagatpuri Main Road, Near Punjab National Bank, Gurgaon, HARYANA - India
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